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Some Virtuemart URL's being SEF'd, others not....
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TOPIC: Some Virtuemart URL's being SEF'd, others not....

Some Virtuemart URL's being SEF'd, others not.... 13 years, 3 months ago #25081

Hi All

We've been using Joomsef for a while, and in general happy with it. However, we have a weird issue that is manifesting it more and more as we get more traffic...

We have some urls that are being correctly SEF'd, and others that aren't being touched. For example

'' works fine. It is being auto redirected (according to the entry in joomsef) from 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&category_id=166&flypage=yagendoo_VaMazing_zoom2.tpl&manufacturer_id=1&page=shop.product_details&product_id=4251&Itemid=1'

Yet '' is the link I get when I search for the appropriate product. There is no link in joomsef anywhere for this url.

The two URL's are different, the first one being dealt with is different from the second virtuemart url.

If anyone could tell me whats going wrong, I would REALLY appreciate it!
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Re: Some Virtuemart URL's being SEF'd, others not.... 13 years, 3 months ago #25086

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

If you open category page that contains the second product, is the product URL turned to SEF? Sometimes it just takes some time for search engines to crawl your website and update the URLs.
ARTIO Support Team
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