I have a problem with my new template (gawick). When I active the virtuemart cart module I've got a notice (I disable the notice on php.ini but the problem still there).
When I desable the SEF virtuemart extension, there is no more notice.
Could you help me quickly ?
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$params in /vdir/
www.joliatcycles.ch/var/www/vhosts/www.j...t/com_virtuemart.php on line 232
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0005 136808 {main}( ) ../index.php:0
2 1.3900 41146608 JApplication->triggerEvent( ) ../index.php:83
3 1.3900 41147144 JDispatcher->trigger( ) ../application.php:500
4 1.3904 41148792 JEvent->update( ) ../dispatcher.php:170
5 1.3904 41149968 call_user_func_array ( ) ../event.php:67
6 1.3905 41150424 plgSystemSef->onAfterRender( ) ../event.php:0
7 1.3938 41343232 preg_replace_callback ( ) ../sef.php:73
8 1.3938 41575808 plgSystemSef->route( ) ../sef.php:0
9 1.3938 41576616 JRoute->_( ) ../sef.php:121
10 1.3939 41577472 JRouterJoomsef->build( ) ../methods.php:54
11 1.3940 41582208 JoomSEF->build( ) ../sef.router.php:123
12 1.3949 41586368 SefExt_com_virtuemart->beforeCreate( ) ../joomsef.php:243
PS: I try to put an attachements but I can't