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Disable SEF for some components... how?
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Support forum for customers who have purchased paid JoomSEF extension. Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: Disable SEF for some components... how?

Disable SEF for some components... how? 14 years, 8 months ago #12874

i use a joomla SEF with paid extension for jreview and I have a question.
1) How can I disable SEF for some components? for example I would disable SEF-rewrite to aritcle because joomsef show 404 error for some links.

For example this article is working good:

but I can't load a category page: (404 error)... When I disable joomsef plugin it is loading fine...

2) Second - I uninstall Article extension (I think that will help for my problem - but it didn't help), please tell me how can I install article extension now? Is this possible or should I install all of joomlaSEF component one more time?

I would like use joomSEF only for jreview - how can I do this??? Where can I disable SEF for other component?

Please answer.

Order No. 10767 (paid)
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