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ADSMANAGER extension problem
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TOPIC: ADSMANAGER extension problem

ADSMANAGER extension problem 15 years, 1 month ago #10108

Dear artio experts,

I've been trying to figure out how to use artio joomsef and paid adsmanager joomsef extension, however I got more clueless.

I know I have installed adsmanager joomsef, now where do I configure the adsmanager joomsef? from "expand=0blabla" to be "/automotive"? Is it the com_adsmanager under component configuration?

secondly, what is the handling supposed to be in the com_adsmanager option? It got 3 options: use default handler, nocahe, skip?

thirdly, when I choose use default handling, it gives me this error. why? Fatal error: Call to a member function setQuery() on a non-object in /home/rob1n81/public_html/components/com_sef/sef_ext/com_adsmanager.php on line 89.

Guys, please help me, I have been struggling as to how to configure this. Because there is so little explanation on the manual, there are barely/none step-by-step manual help. the blue information tip "i", does not help alot for newbies. Please help anyone?

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Re:ADSMANAGER extension problem 15 years ago #10222

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Which version of Joomla, AdsManager component, JoomSEF and AdsManager extension do you use?

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 15 years ago by dajo.
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Re:ADSMANAGER extension problem 15 years ago #10227

Dear David,

Thanks for coming to my aid.
Joomla Version 1.5.11
Ads Manager version 2.5 RC2.
Joomsef version 3.5.4 updated to latest already.
Adsmanager extension version I bought is adsmanager 3.

Any solution to my problems?

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Re:ADSMANAGER extension problem 15 years ago #10233

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
I don't quite understand your first problem. The AdsManager extension takes care of rewriting the URLs to be SEF automatically, you don't need to configure it. If you want to create custom SEF URLs, you can do this on Manage SEF URLs page.

The handling has these meanings:
use default handler - uses the installed AdsManager extension (this is the option you want)
nocache - uses the standard Joomla SEF
skip - does not SEF URLs for the component

As regards the fatal error, please, go to Manage Extensions in JoomSEF's control panel and post the version of AdsManager extension reported there.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re:ADSMANAGER extension problem 15 years ago #10236

Dear David,

I understood what you mean now for my first problem. Its done.

Second problem is understood.

For my third problem, we have discussed it on another topic.

I consider this thread done.

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