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Special: Duplicate content when using page break !
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TOPIC: Special: Duplicate content when using page break !

Special: Duplicate content when using page break ! 17 years, 3 months ago #3446

Hi there,

in the last weeks I tried to work on the duplicate content (DC) problem on my side. Generally Joomla has some serious DC weaknesses (email and pdf funktion). Now I discovered a special DC problem concerning Artio JoomSEF:

When using page break (I have to) I get i.e. 5 pages. So the urls SHOULD look like the following:


BUT in reality it looks like this:

AND (!)

The last additional link comes from the \"back\" button on the second page (page-2.html). This behavior I have on all my articles using page break. I don't have this when using sh404 instead of JoomSEF :( (tested on a test site).

So the problem occurs on the first \"page break\" site. Page-3.html should be Page-2.html and Page-7.html should be Page.html! :D:D

In conclusion: Page.html and Page-7.html have duplicate content which Google hates.

I can't see why I'm having this problem and where it comes from. Where's the logic behind this? ;) :)

I'd appreciate your help, ideas or explanations very much!

Best regards,

Re:Special: Duplicate content when using page break ! 17 years, 3 months ago #3456

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

the back button problem will be fixed in next version of Content extension.
Could you please post the non-SEF urls for page.html, page-2.html and page-3.html? It would help us in finding out why the page-2.html is missing in the Table of content.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team

Re:Special: Duplicate content when using page brea 17 years, 3 months ago #3460

Hi David,

thank you so much for your reply! Good to know that this is a known bug! I will help you as much as I can - here are some URLs

Page.html --> index.php?option=com_content&id=171&task=view&Itemid=132
Page-3.html --> index.php?option=com_content&id=171&limit=1&limitstart=1&task=view&Itemid=132
Page-4.html --> index.php?option=com_content&id=171&limit=1&limitstart=2&task=view&Itemid=132
Page-5.html --> index.php?option=com_content&id=171&limit=1&limitstart=3&task=view&Itemid=132
Page-6.html --> index.php?option=com_content&id=171&limit=1&limitstart=4&task=view&Itemid=132

Page-7.html --> index.php?option=com_content&id=171&limit=1&limitstart=0&task=view&Itemid=132

Page-7.html shows the same content as Page.html. \"limitstart=0\" seems responsible for that :D So this is a core problem?

I hope that you'll find a good solution - if you need further urls please contact me.

Thank you so much in advance!

Re:Special: Duplicate content when using page brea 17 years, 3 months ago #3486

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
Hi Felix,

we already figured out and fixed the limitstart problem, but I'm wondering, why you have page.html and then page-3.html and there's no page-2.html. Have you deleted it manually? I don't see any reason why this one would be skipped in numbering.

ARTIO Support Team

Re:Special: Duplicate content when using page brea 17 years, 3 months ago #3487

Hi David,

thank you so much for your time! At the moment I'm testing Artio JoomSEF concerning this very special problem. You know what? I get a different numbering every time. Crazy.

My procedure: delete sef urls + clear cache. Then I surf on my homepage (frontpage). And then I click through to my \"test\" url. It's one of my most important articles...

My description below is based on this url. Have a look on it - At the moment there is a page-2.html - it locks perfekt: page.html, page-2.html,... But I still have this duplicate content problem. Two urls for one content: at the moment these are page.html and page-2.html.

If I delete sef urls again I'll have this mixed numbering again! After about 10 times I sometimes have luck getting correct numbers... But then other articles are numbered the wrong way.

I did not delete anything manually - I don't use custom url - I just let JoomSEF do the work :)

So the problem seems to be the following: Every time I completely create new sef urls these url don't show to the same content which they belonged to before deleting all sef urls. Thats why I had to switch of JoomSEF for PonyGallery and for the Bookmarks component - everytime I had completely new urls.

So these components aren't that important - my content is important ;)

Greetings and again big tnx!!!
Last Edit: 17 years, 3 months ago by fcsmobile.

Re:Special: Duplicate content when using page brea 17 years, 3 months ago #3488

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
Hi Felix,

the problem with different numbering each time is caused because the URLs are numbered in order of their translation.
We'll try to alter the Content extension so it will number URLs according to limit and limitstart variables, so the numbers should be correct in next version.

ARTIO Support Team
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