After reading through the forums it seems there has been no resolve for Virtuemart's redirection error when JoomSEF Virtuemart extension is installed and enabled with default settings.
The cause:
Customer tries registering with an email address/username already registered
The error:
The customer is redirected by Virtuemart to the frontpage/root i.e.
www.exampledomain.com or
The page is blank and returns NetworkError: 500 Internal Server Error -
www.exampledomain.com, this error was detected with Firefox Firebug Console
The referring URL is:
Testing varying configuration seetings:
The following tests have been conducted while clearing all SEF urls from JoomSEF and clearing joomSEF cache + purging expired cache each time a test was run.
With JoomSEF enable and the JoomSEF Virtuemart extension enabled the errror occurs.
SEF Checkout URLs switched off or on error occurs.
Set server QUERY_STRING: on or off error still occurs
Switching of JoomSEF leaving on Joomla Search Engine Friendly URLs error does Not occur. Customer is redirected to
www.exampledomain.com/index.php which is still displaying the Checkout login_register_form.php script and the following message:
This e-mail is already registered. If you forgot your password, click on the Forgot your password link and a new password will be sent to you.
Plugins and Modules:
A test was conducted to assess the effect of third party plugins and modules regarding the error. All plugins were switch off and then each plugin and module was switch on one by one.
When the Cherry Picker Module by
www.galt.md was switch on the error returned. Therefore Cherry Picker was causing the error.
Cherry Picker was tried in a number of positions to eliminate the possibility of module positioning being a factor. Varying different positions of the Cherry Picker module did not stop the module from causing the error.
Each configuration setting in Cherry Picke Module was altered to assess the effect on the error.
Show filters of this Product Type ID=
This setting if left blank will automatically choose which product type to present to customers for filtering products.
When left blank the error did not ocur. But the Cherry Picker module also did not appear.
When set to a specific product type, Cherry Picker did appear on other pages but caused the error.
Other settings did not effect the status of the error.
As Cherry Picker did not appear when the "Show filters of this Product Type ID=" was left blank it is assumed that the presence of Cherry Picker causes the error not the configuration setting.
An email has been sent to
www.galt.md with a link to this post and a short description of the problem.
Joomla 1.5
Virtuemart 1.1.9
Artio joomSEF 3.8.2