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URL Virtuemart
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TOPIC: URL Virtuemart

URL Virtuemart 11 years, 8 months ago #39677


using the latest version of joomla 2.5 and virtuemart (2.0.20b) with joomsef404. browsing through virtemart i got url's like these:

so it is a mix of english an german. i would like ti have a url like this:

is this possible?

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Re: URL Virtuemart 11 years, 8 months ago #40077

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
Hi Nick,

The "order_number" part after the question mark is the non-SEF variable which can't be translated, because VirtueMart requires it as it is.

The "order" part is currently hard-coded in our VirtueMart extension, so it also can't be translated now. But thank you for your suggestion, we'll check the options to make it translateable in some future version.
ARTIO Support Team
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