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Redirecting root /something
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TOPIC: Redirecting root /something

Redirecting root /something 12 years, 3 months ago #34620

Hi! What would be the best way to redirect systematicaly to including all variations such as language.

In the panel 301 Redirects Manager, I put this:
/ ->redirect to fr/reparation-electromenager
fr ->redirect to fr/reparation-electromenager

But it doesn't work. I thought I could use directly the htaccess file but I'm not sure if I will bybass another process.

I'm running JoomSef 4.2.9 paid version on a Joomla 2.5.8.

Thank you!
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Re: Redirecting root /something 12 years, 3 months ago #34640

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

The 301 redirects have currently lower priority than the SEF URLs, so they're only used if the original SEF URL doesn't exist in JoomSEF.
For URLs like "fr" you could use the Aliases feature - edit the fr/reparation-electromenager SEF URL in JoomSEF's URLs Manager and on the Aliases tab add fr to Alias list.
However Aliases currently can't be used for the homepage, so you will need to use the .htaccess directly for that. Just make sure that you put the redirect rule before any other rules and set it as the last one used.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Redirecting root /something 12 years, 3 months ago #34678

I did it for the alias and this part seems to work correctly. Now for the htaccess changes, I went in this tab where I can see:
301 redirect with an empty table and a (strange) checkbox related to nothing (I'm not sure if there is a problem here)
Rewrite base box that is not enabled (should I enable it?)
Follow symlinks that is disabled too.

From there, should I enable something to begin? Is it normal for the 301 box (I attach a screen capture) ?
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Re: Redirecting root /something 12 years, 3 months ago #34687

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
You shouldn't change any settings in the Edit .htaccess window if your URLs rewriting works correctly or unless you know what you're doing.
The check box is OK, it just doesn't do anything because there are no 301 redirects set.

But I've tested the Aliases feature and found out that you can use it to redirect the homepage too, there's just some bug not displaying it correctly. So just set the Alias list as:

and save the URL. The redirect for homepage should work, but when you open the URL again, the "/" alias will not be displayed in the list because of the bug. Be careful not to save the URL again with "/" alias missing.
ARTIO Support Team
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