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Joomsef wrong SEF's...
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TOPIC: Joomsef wrong SEF's...

Joomsef wrong SEF's... 13 years ago #27446

I do not understand, but the newest version 4.2.3 works not fine for me - again!

On this site - when you click on the "HOME" button - there should be the featured articles; and the alias home (menu alias = home; category alias = home). But everytime there is coming

I deleted this URL moretimes; and set an alias to the home SEF. But it still did not work. Now my customers have troubles to surf to my Homepage..

Another problem:
I deactivated the Newsfeed and the Feedgator extension (NON SEF). But Joomsef still produces SEF with /atom; /rss, etc. --> WHY? I do not have any other Newsfeed extension!

I am really unhappy. Since I have bought this version, it did not worked. There are several other SEF Url which are coming all the time (but there is no link in the menu, no category, etc.)

I am nearly to give up and change to SH404...
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Re: Joomsef wrong SEF's... 13 years ago #27467

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
How is your Home menu item configured? What is its menu item type?
Try using the Manage SEF URLs page in JoomSEF, find the wellnesshotel-erfahrungen and set its SEF URL field to empty.

If you find the URLs with /atom and /rss in Manage SEF URLs page, what is their Real URL? Those URLs are usually created by the Content extension (since they usually point to articles category), so they have nothing to do with the Newsfeed extension.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Joomsef wrong SEF's... 13 years ago #27542

thx for the reply.
@ question 1: Home configured: Meny Type "Featured Articles"; alias: home ...
I cleared the "wellnesshotel-erfahrungen" as you have recommended - now it works (there is only the appended "?itemID" on the home SEF - which should be correct.

BUT: There were 5 different SEF-URL's with "wellnesshotel-erfahrungen"; I cleared the SEF Url for the featured articles (Home); the other 4 I have deleted. 10 Minutes later, again the SEF URL "wellnesshotel-erfahrungen" is visible (for index.php?option=com_content&id=71&view=article )
Why these SEF URL will be generated? Since the new Joomsef (4.2.3) I have problems with "mysterious" SEF URL's (around 50 wrong SEF URL's)...

Here is the Trace - can you help me to find why this needless SEF would be generated (again & again)
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:9.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/9.0.1

#1: call_user_func_array(Array, Array), /libraries/joomla/application/router.php line 425
#2: JRouter->_processBuildRules(JURI), /includes/router.php line 429
#3: JRouterSite->_processBuildRules(JURI), /libraries/joomla/application/router.php line 194
#4: JRouter->build('index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=71&Itemid=278'), /includes/router.php line 83
#5: JRouterSite->build('index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=71&Itemid=278'), /components/com_sef/helpers/methods.php line 39
#6: JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=71&Itemid=278', '1', '0'), /modules/mod_menu/helper.php line 110
#7: modMenuHelper::getList(JRegistry), /modules/mod_menu/mod_menu.php line 15
#8: include('/homepages/14/d377825212/htdocs/wellnessinfo/modules/mod_menu/mod_menu.php'), /libraries/joomla/application/module/helper.php line 175

@ 2nd question: Can I avoid to create SEF URL's with atom/rss ?

thx for your help. Maybe I will stay at Joomsef ;-)
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Re: Joomsef wrong SEF's... 13 years ago #27648

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
@1: It seems that a separator in JoomSEF's admin menu is causing the URL to be loaded by Joomla automatically, which obviously doesn't exist. But it should behave like any other non-existent URL, so it shouldn't create any "mysterious" URLs. It seems that the "wellnesshotel-erfahrungen" URL is created from your "Tipp des Monats" menu item, so try checking that.
We'll fix the problem with menu separators in next version.

@2: Go to JoomSEF -> Manage Extensions -> Content -> Common tab and set the "Do not SEF URLs matching regular expression" option to "format=feed" (without quotes).
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Joomsef wrong SEF's... 13 years ago #28045

Thx, 1st problem solved,

But the 2nd:
There are still new SEF (after deleting) with /rss /atom etc. - I also added format=atom or format=rss in the common tab - does not solved the problem (question: Do I separate the different formats with a comma?)

thx for help
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Re: Joomsef wrong SEF's... 12 years, 12 months ago #28073

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
Please post some examples of Real URLs for the ones with /rss or /atom.
The field value is a regular expression that matches the URLs, so you don't separate formats with commas.
ARTIO Support Team
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