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JoomSEF and j2store
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TOPIC: JoomSEF and j2store

Re: JoomSEF and j2store 10 years, 11 months ago #43895


1) go to :;
2) compile field "Testo personalizzato";
3) click "Aggiungi al carrello" button and click "Controlla Carrello".
4) in the cart page, try to click the delete button (X)

In this point j2store cart plugin makes an ajax call. (redirect to home)
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Re: JoomSEF and j2store 10 years, 11 months ago #43942

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Thank you for the instructions. Now I understand where the problem is. Navigate to JoomSEF -> Configuration and on the Advanced tab change "Set page base href value" option to "Yes - always use full SEO URL". That should fix the problem.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: JoomSEF and j2store 10 years, 11 months ago #43951

thanks, but that solution not fix the problem.
I have already tried this solution, if i change "Set page base href value" option to "Yes - always use full SEO URL", in the page [ ] the cart (the module on the sidebar, not display properly), and the step
2) compile field "Testo personalizzato";
3) click "Aggiungi al carrello" button and click "Controlla Carrello".

don't function. :(

if i change "Set page base href value" option to "Yes - always use only base URL", the page [ ] is ok, but in the next cart page i find the usual problem:
(4) in the cart page, try to click the delete button (X)
In this point j2store cart plugin makes an ajax call. (redirect to home)
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Re: JoomSEF and j2store 10 years, 11 months ago #43965

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Have you also tried other options of "Set page base href value"? Please also try the "No - leave original" value.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: JoomSEF and j2store 10 years, 11 months ago #43975

Hi, i have tested all options and:
a) with option "Yes - always use only base URL", the page [ ] is ok, but in the next cart page i find the usual problem;
b) with option "Yes - always use full SEO URL", in the page [ ] the cart (the module on the sidebar, not display properly), and the step
2) compile field "Testo personalizzato";
3) click "Aggiungi al carrello" button and click "Controlla Carrello".

don't function. But, if click on "Controlla Carrello", in the next cart page i find the item added correctly and the function "delete" work fine.

You can try it?

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Re: JoomSEF and j2store 10 years, 11 months ago #43980

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
And what about the "No - leave original" and "No - disable base href generation" options?

If they also don't work, it is most likely a problem of j2store not supporting SEF URLs correctly. In that case, I suggest to keep the "Set page base href value" option set to "Yes - always use only base URL" and in JoomSEF's URLs Manager to set the cart link (where the delete button is located) to "Don't SEF".

You should then contact j2store developers and ask them for a fix. They should make sure that they always use an absolute URL in their AJAX calls and they should change the delete link from:
<a href="#"

<a href="javascript:void(0)"
ARTIO Support Team
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