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Duplicate SEF Url's
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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 4 (Joomla 1.6/1.7/2.5+ compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: Duplicate SEF Url's

Duplicate SEF Url's 10 years, 9 months ago #44523

I have installed Joomsef and I have run into a couple of issues:

1, I have 47 SEF URL's called Home, I cannot understand how Joomla has created so many URL's for my home page and Joomsef so many SEf url's with the same name?

2, When crawling my website Joomsef keeps returning an error and stopping?

3, Since moving to joomsef and submitting my new sitemap I only have 22 pages indexed by joomla, is this right?

Appreciate your help with these issues and queries

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Re: Duplicate SEF Url's 10 years, 9 months ago #44529

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

1. Open JoomSEF's URLs Manager and check the Real URLs of the "Home" SEF URLs. There's probably some variable added by your template or some plugin. Set the variable as "Custom non-SEF variable" in JoomSEF's Configuration or in specific extension parameters.
You can also post some examples so we can check it.

2. Problems with website crawler may have various causes. Does it stop working right after starting, or after crawling some URLs?

3. You can control which URLs are indexed in your sitemap using the Sitemap Manager in JoomSEF. For more information on how to use the Sitemap Manager please refer to JoomSEF's documentation:
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Duplicate SEF Url's 10 years, 9 months ago #44543

Hi Dajo

Thanks for your advice. The non search engine friendly SEF's look like the ones below:


I purged the SEF URL's yesterday and I now have 23 not 47 but I dont understand why there are so many and why the number varies so much?

The crawler stopped this time after crawling 537 / 1293 URL's.

The issue with indexing is that I have only 22 pages indexed with Google after submitting over 200 in the sitemap. I am concerned this will negatively affect our SEO?

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Re: Duplicate SEF Url's 10 years, 9 months ago #44547

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Check in your Joomla's Category Manager that categories with IDs 99, 100, 101, 176 etc. really do exist. If they don't, there are some old links somewhere on your website causing these SEF URLs to be created.

The website crawler sometimes stops in the middle because of a connection timeout. Normally you should be able to click the Continue button to recover, but there's a known bug causing it not to work correctly in current version. It will be fixed in next version of JoomSEF.

It takes Google some time to index your website. I suggest to check if the URLs submitted in your sitemap are working correctly and if they do, just give Google more time to visit your website and index them.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Duplicate SEF Url's 10 years, 9 months ago #44548

Hi Dajo

Thanks for your response.

I have looked and those category ID's do not exist. The site is only 8 months old so I am not sure where the old links will have come from?

Is there anyway to find them and clean them out?

I will keep trying with the crawler and wait for the new version then.

WIll keep monitoring google.

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Re: Duplicate SEF Url's 10 years, 9 months ago #44549

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

You can enable URL Source Tracing in JoomSEF's Configuration on the Advanced tab and delete the incorrect SEF URs from JoomSEF's URLs Manager. Once the SEF URLs are created again, information about their origin will be stored with them.
ARTIO Support Team
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