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Removing "listings" from SEF URLs
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TOPIC: Removing "listings" from SEF URLs

Removing "listings" from SEF URLs 12 years, 1 month ago #36144


I have been fighting for a while trying to figure out how to trim "listings" from links to categories and bloggers (probably it would also appear elsewhere) and have not had any success after two days of fooling around with this.

Basically take the URL:


I need this to be:


Also, with Categories I have URLs like:


Here I wish to strip the word "categories" as well, so that the URL reads:


How do I go about doing this?

- Devi

Re: Removing "listings" from SEF URLs 12 years, 1 month ago #36202

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Which JoomSEF extension are the URLs related to? Could you also post their corresponding Real non-SEF URLs from JoomSEF's URLs Manager?
ARTIO Support Team

Re: Removing "listings" from SEF URLs 12 years, 1 month ago #36227


The only extension I am using so far (Beyond the obvious Akeeba stuff) is EasyBlog 3.7.13830.

Some of the JoomSEF specific urls are:

Blogger Profile URLs
Desired: /blogger/devi
Existing: /blogger/listings/devi
Real: /index.php?option=com_easyblog&id=594&layout=listings&view=blogger&Itemid=119

EasyBlog Categories Listing
Desired: /misc
Existing: /categories/listings/misc
Real: index.php?option=com_easyblog&id=1&layout=listings&view=categories

A little different, but still something I can't figure out is how to get an article's SEF to be /category/article, rather than simply /article.

EasyBlog Article
Desired: /misc/lorum-ipsum
Existing: /categories/listings/lorum-ipsum
Real: /index.php?option=com_easyblog&id=2&view=entry

Thank you for the response!

Re: Removing "listings" from SEF URLs 12 years, 1 month ago #36343

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

The EasyBlog extension for JoomSEF is managed by the EasyBlog developer himself and it seems that the extension doesn't contain the options you require. Please contact the EasyBlog developer for customizations of the extension at

Or if you're interested we can do the customizations for you as a paid service.
ARTIO Support Team
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