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wrong SEF URL character replacements in K2
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TOPIC: wrong SEF URL character replacements in K2

wrong SEF URL character replacements in K2 12 years, 6 months ago #32220


I have use Joomla! 2.5.6 plus K2. All categories and articles were imported in K2 from Joomla! and I started to use JoomSEF in order to remove "item" word from K2 generated URLs and apparently it works but only in some cases.

Before I upgrade to JoomSEF PRO version I would like to get some help to set everything right and make sure that it is the best choice.

here is list of problems encountered:

1. SEF URL character replacements are not generated in every URL even if title articles contain same Non-ASCII characters within the same K2 category and same Joomla! menu as K2 category type as it follows:

a) Some display content and the right URLs with Non-ASCII characters replacement
b) others display content but with URLs with Non-ASCII characters not replaced
c) others display 404 error and have URLs with Non-ASCII characters unreplaced

2. in some cases, also within the same K2 category and same Joomla! menu as K2 category type, articles are displayed with the right URLs Non-ASCII characters replacement but Browser page title is not using the Non-ASCII characters replacement and instead of special characters as: ă, î, â, ş, ţ it is ? (question mark).

3. The meta tags are not entirely properly generated. For example an article with this title and content:

Ambasadorul SUA, într-o altă vizită-surpriză, la Guvern
url: (the website is password protected)

article content:

Ambasadorul SUA Mark Gitenstein s-a întâlnit, marți dimineață, cu premierul Victor Ponta la Palatul Victoria. Vizita ambasadorului a durat 30 de minute și i-a luat pe surprindere de jurnaliști și pe ceilalți...


citeşte ştirea integral...

metadata autpmatically generated:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""
xml:lang="ro-ro" lang="ro-ro"><head><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9" /><base href="" /><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><meta name="keywords" content="integral, ?tirea, rocite?te, sursa" /><meta name="title" content="Ambasadorul SUA, într-o alt? vizit?-surpriz?, la Guvern -" /><meta name="author" content="" /><meta name="description" content="Ambasadorul SUA Mark Gitenstein s-a întâlnit, mar?i diminea??, cu premierul Victor Ponta la Palatul Victoria. Vizita ambasadorului a durat 30 de minute ?i i-a luat pe surprindere de jurnali?ti ?i pe ceilal?i..." /><title>Ambasadorul SUA, într-o alt? vizit?-surpriz?, la Guvern -</title>

as you can see at
<meta name="keywords" content="integral, ?tirea, rocite?te, sursa" />

it only generated keywords from article's signature not form first paragraph. also there's no Non-ASCII characters replacement

please help before I purchase the pro version.

kind regards!

Re: wrong SEF URL character replacements in K2 12 years, 6 months ago #32221


some pages display this Warnings:

Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/epolitic/public_html/ on line 119

Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/epolitic/public_html/ on line 2160

Re: wrong SEF URL character replacements in K2 12 years, 6 months ago #32244

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

First of all, the non-ASCII characters replacement is not supposed to work in page titles or meta tags, it's used only for SEF URL itself.

1. URLs behaving differently are usually caused by cache not being cleared. Make sure that you clear both Joomla and JoomSEF caches.

2. Question mark instead of non-ASCII characters usually means that there's some problem with encoding either on your website or in your database. Make sure that your website uses utf-8 encoding and that your database and also all its tables are set to utf-8 collation.

3. You are right, the intro text (first paragraph) is currently not being used for keywords generation. We'll fix that and release an updated version of our K2 extension.

The warnings mean that there's some problem when loading URLs from database. This could also be related to your database encoding. Make sure that jos_sefurls table has utf-8 collation set.
ARTIO Support Team

Re: wrong SEF URL character replacements in K2 12 years, 6 months ago #32252

Hello dajo!

Thank you very much for your useful feedback.

kind regards,
Marius R.

Re: wrong SEF URL character replacements in K2 12 years, 6 months ago #32298

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

We've just released new version of our K2 extension, which should fix the problem with intro text not being used for keywords generation. You can update it using Manage Extensions page in JoomSEF.
ARTIO Support Team
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