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Chronoforms submit redirecting to the home page
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TOPIC: Chronoforms submit redirecting to the home page

Chronoforms submit redirecting to the home page 13 years, 1 month ago #26589 1c797946c6e1cb9f4b48a5d7602b3fbf (in another's name for naturalpathhealthcenter.

We have a form that comes up when someone wants to order a restricted product. It allows the user to fill out a Chronoforms form and then it is supposed to submit it to the ChronoForms Plugin

The page with the form in the context of how it is used is

If you open the Chronoforms Forms Management page, there is a link you can click on to open the form and process it.

If I change the url to the page with a https: as in

then everything works, the database, the emial and the thank you page.

How this article is called is buried in some popup windows that I have not found yet.

Is there a way to simply set up JoomSEF redirection so that




Re: Chronoforms submit redirecting to the home page 13 years, 1 month ago #26590

The forum software removed the http: and https and I need to know how to automatically convert a http: url to a https: url.


Re: Chronoforms submit redirecting to the home page 13 years, 1 month ago #26668

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
It seems that when I click the http link it is redirected to https, so have you managed to solve the problem?
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