I'm experiencing the same problems:
No bookings possible as global manager
Customer names only displayed when logged in as global manager
(Joomla 3.1.5, Book it 2)
Any solution? These are crucial requirements for my customer.
pbeks wrote:
When I book an item in the calendar as a normal user then this wil show up on the calendar as occupied.
However when I book as an global manager then the calendar will not show the booked dates !!
When I view the calendar as a normal user then I can only see that the dates are occupied and if I hover over the date then I get a tooltip with username who booked.
However when I view calendar as global manger then the occupied dates will show with username displayed and hovertip is booking
I would like the be able to book as a global manager and Always show the username for the booked date no matter if I am global manager or user.