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Profile for pbeks

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 17:55
  • Posts: 3
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Hi Vebi,

1) When I make a booking as a Admin user then the status is same as if I make a reservation as a normal user, however the reservation does not show up on the calendar. So yes reservation is really made.

2) So is it possible to get this available (as a option) in future version? Would be nice for our users if they can sea who reserved.

I have attached the same view seen as a user and seen as a admin. why is this so different??
Joomla 3.0 Booking 2 ...
Category: Customer Support
I have installed Artio Booking 2.2.2 on Joomla 3.2, from Joomla I am able to send email, however for some reason I do not get any confermation emails from booking, what could I be doning wrong, and how can I debug my mistakes, if any.
Is there a clear tutorial on how to install this?
Email notification d ...
Category: Customer Support
When I book an item in the calendar as a normal user then this wil show up on the calendar as occupied.
However when I book as an global manager then the calendar will not show the booked dates !!

When I view the calendar as a normal user then I can only see that the dates are occupied and if I hover over the date then I get a tooltip with username who booked.
However when I view calendar as global manger then the occupied dates will show with username displayed and hovertip is booking

I would like the be able to book as a global manager and Always show the username for the booked date no matter if I am global manager or user.
Joomla 3.0 Booking 2 ...
Category: Customer Support
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