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Calculation of Rental period
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Calculation of Rental period

Calculation of Rental period 12 years, 10 months ago #29820

Hello Jitr
We are using your Booking software for our client who offering Car Rental Service.
We have the issue about Calculation of Rental period that when the end user create his car rental booking on calendar , let say on May 1 from 8.00 a.m. – May 5 at 8.00 a.m, now your booking is going to show total rent period equals to 5 days. But in fact our client will charge only 4 days – Based on 24 hours = 1 rent day calculation time. *
Please manage this issue for us and if there is any fee incurred please advise.
*The end users will be fined for extra charge only if they return the car to our client later than the return time which based on 24 hours = 1 rent day calculation time.
Looking forward to hearing you today.

Best Regards
Nattapon Kitchana
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Re: Calculation of Rental period 12 years, 9 months ago #29890

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello, you can try use night Booking aka hotel room.
With setting user books only bight not full days.
E.G for interval Mon/Fri pays only 4 units not 5.
See attached images.


ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Calculation of Rental period 12 years, 9 months ago #29918

Hello Jitr
I will try to do
if I have any problem might be to write an email to you again.
Thank you very much.
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Re: Calculation of Rental period 11 years, 10 months ago #38353

Dear Artio

We are dealing with scooter rental and had the same issue with our calendar. I have set night booking and it solved that problem. There is still an issue of pick ip and drop off time. Do you have an idea how can the client set the preferred pick up and or drop off time. At the moment we ask the client to advise it us at the time of reservation (they can use the optional text area in reservation window).
Another problem that same day booking is set available but it does not work in montly calendar do you have an idea how to fix it?

You can check funtionality on our website

Thanks for your advises in advance
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Re: Calculation of Rental period 11 years, 10 months ago #38362

  • mach
  • Posts: 112
do you have still this problem? I have checked it and reservation looks good. I can select date and book.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Calculation of Rental period 11 years, 10 months ago #38369

There are still some problems:
1. The night sbooking is only used for rental but we also have the day tours with fix shedule and there is a conflict with nights booking. Please note that all tours are set with hourly reservation type
Eg. if you reserve a tour for 15 April 10.00-13.00 the result on the booking screen is this
Check in:
Check out:
When you book it and you are directed to booking module it will show this:
From 2013-04-15 10.00 -2013-04-16 13.00

2. Three is a time overlap problem. We have set up tours with daily schedules. It is not possible to have a price 1 set from 10.00-13.00 and price 2 from 10.00-14.00 as price 2 than will not show on booking calendar. That is why we have set up price 2 with 10.01-14.01 not to have time overlap problem.

3. In mothly calendar view same day booking is not possible ( the configuration is set to allow sam day booking)

4. We would like to set up the exact pick up and drop off time as rental uses the same capacity as tours so if the rental is from leg. to for 1 capacity than on 15.04 this capacity is not available but from 09.01 16.04 it shoud be available

5. I absolutely don not know gow to set up Paypal payment module ( no info also in ducumentation). In payment method configuration I only have checkout and Sofort. Please give me instructios how to set up Paypal.

Suggested solution for calendar and object confilct
The quick solution would be that night booking type effecta only prices with daily reservation type???

Other soultion
Our main reason to have included rental and tours at same object was that we have the overall capacity wich can be used for all tours or rental.

We have two types of object ( 50 CC and 125 CC) with different capacity so that is why we have 2 objects
My idea for solution is
1. All objects in the tree structure will use the capacity set up at their root.
2. It is also adviseable to be able to set up not only one capacity in the root but as many as youu want ( eg, bus with capacity 20, scooter 50 cc with capacity 5 scooter 125 cc with capacity 2) and for the children you have to appoint capacity types you want to use
3. In case of any booking softwer should check capacity booked in the whole tree structure to avoid double booking
4. In this case objects ( e.g tours and rental) can be separated as differend children in tree structure
5. Objects (Single tours) can also be separated to avoid shedule overlap problems ( e.g I have tours from 10.13.00 and 10.00-14.00 both available at time of booking. When one of them is booked with 1 capacity the other will have less 1 capacity.

Obviously at the moment we need the quickest solution but let me know your opinion about the above solution as well.
Best regards
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