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I don't find the way...
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Support forum for users using free edition of Book it!. These forums are for mutual help among users.

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TOPIC: I don't find the way...

Re: I don't find the way... 11 years, 8 months ago #39626

¡¡ Solved !!

Sorry for the spam, i put here the solution if someone has the same problem than i had.

1. Delete all templates and items.
2. Create a Default template.
3. Create Parent item.
4. Create other items with Parent item as parent.
5. Select Default template on Parent Item and sons.


By the way, I need a "final" support to create a good and atractive user interface. I'll contract PRO version of this component, cause i need to create more items (only 2 with free version).

I would apreciate if you could tell me the specific doc (css or js) to edit the following:

- Change text CSS and hover effects / color.
- Change general colors (background).
- Delete Make a reservation from "item list" (only show on detail item list)

When we click on the item, we go detailed item list, we see "calendar" and "properties"

- General CSS of tables, calendar tables, normal tables.
- Center all the content, its weird to see props at the right, calendar at the left, and make a reservation at the right again.
- Show galery (thumbnail) of the item (how to do that, i've already uploaded the images, and gallery is selected to YES.

When you go ahead, and press on Make a Reservation.

- At the top i can see a double line, or something like that, I'd like to remove it.
- Add some space between the google maps and the Props title, i tryed to add <br> to maps code, but doesn't work.
- Center everything.

Now at the bottom of the same page (before booking it)

- Edit or create a new book it button, put a new image there, or w/e.
- Make the button and the price sum go below the time select, i mean, now when you click on the hours to do a reservation, the price changes above, i'd like to put all that (button + price) below the calendar.
- Put a calendar (with clicable days) at the right blank space instead of that button.
- Css to edit colors of that general part.



- At the part of viewing your own reservations, its normal to see "unpaid", but why all are shown as "expired"?. I just dont want to use "online payment", and the only available option is "disabled". Can i make all reservations be "RESERVED" but "UNPAID" till administrator does the confirmation?.

- Its any way to add a payment plataform?, to send money from 1 account to another, and after that send a "verification document" that proves that you did that transaction

- The website language is Spanish, there's any "language pack" to traduce whole component to Spanish?, including user/admin interface?.

Thanks for your help, and sorry for this longpost.


Re: I don't find the way... 11 years, 8 months ago #39658

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

It looks like you have too many questions, but I am sorry... We can help you with this as paid custom support. If you are interested in let us know to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

I will not study the whole post, but you will be probably able to do same modifications without our help. Most of style modifications can be made in template css files. We are trying to use standard Joomla classes so Book it! ideally get all styles from your templates. Only layout changes, move galleries to another position etc. will need to modify also our css styles. You can overwrite it in your template or modify css styles in components/com_booking/assets/css/

Some colors can be modified in administrator part of Book it! Some default colors for calendar can be modified in Configuration and colors for prices settings are in Product detail -> tab Prices.

Problem with gallery... If I check gallery in 2.0.5 version, it works. All images I add to bookable item are shown in detail view (main image is visible also in list.

I am not sure I understand. If you set Reservation Expiration as disabled, then new reservations should be created as unpaid and reserved. If you create reservation as admin, you can select statuses for new reservation.

Payment methods are part of paid Book it! But remember, that if you have installed free version before, you have to uninstall component and install it again. You should not loose any data from database, but this is only way to modify your database to paid version. This will also add there payment methods.

Book it! should containt translation files for spanish. But we can not guarantee, that there will be version for actual version of Booking. These translations are made by our customers.
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