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Troubleshooting and suggestions.
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TOPIC: Troubleshooting and suggestions.

Troubleshooting and suggestions. 13 years, 11 months ago #20873

If choosing an object can be rented 12 months ahead, it will go wrong with the calendar. currently starts just fine in March, but will continue 12 months and ending with Febuar 2011 instead of Febuar 2012th

In the configuration section, it is apparently possible to sent mails to more than 1 admin but it does not work, you can not separate the 2 emailadr. either with, (comma) or; (simicolon)

If you choose to do a search when joomla's search module is active, the following errors on the page should display search RESULT: Warning: Invalid argument leveres for foreach () in X: \ XXX \ www \ plugins \ search \ booking.php on line 137

It is possible for an object to insert multiple images, but the small gallery during the object shown on the booking page, always shows a picture less than connected to the object - if you click on the small image is displayed correctly all images that have been added added object.

A booking should have its own unique bookingid which could be inserted in email, and this bookingid should be visible in the calendar, along with price when the booking is completed, so the customer can see the calendar boys that right actually booked him with the ID standing in the received mail. - Also would make a telephoning easier if you could refer to a bookingid.

Language files should really read through and have a heavy cleanup. more words and phrases are repeated in several languages ​​files, and single word found only in the module's php files.

See my site:

Re: Troubleshooting and suggestions. 13 years, 11 months ago #21285

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Problem with calendar is now resolved.

Sending to more emails will be in next version.

I will testing searching. Thanks for notice.

Gallery is showed in small window. More images is hidden and you must move it by sliders.
ARTIO Support Team

Re: Troubleshooting and suggestions. 13 years, 11 months ago #21299

I have now bought the module and upgraded to latest version and have just seen that the error is corrected - many thanks! Lovely.
I also have started a new translation into Danish, but it still lags a bit with the language files - some words and sentences must be found in the written php files. But I think there's potential heat of the module.
PS. I did not think it is smart that when you choose to opradere so overwrites all the css files, so you have to scratch with its own setup - at least one should be aware that overwriting these files takes place.

And I miss is still a unique booking reference number - and that this number could appear in calenderr instead of the name of the customer. customer names may well be the same - But customers can in the calendar immediately see his bokking number next to the rental period.

Re: Troubleshooting and suggestions. 13 years, 11 months ago #21331

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hi, create Danish translation is great idea.

I think that all translated words are in *.ini files.
ARTIO Support Team
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