ID: 16583 Can't sele ...
Posted 13 years, 6 months ago
by stovring
I have previously purchased Artio Booking. My question is now, it is possible to configure Artio booking by 80 administrators, then headed to the subjects an admin wants to lease can not be changed by another administrator - I am thinking of a site that offers people to let their caravan. When an admin logs into the admin istration part, he sees only the items he has created.
several administrato ...
Posted 13 years, 7 months ago
by stovring
So i have Opdateret to version 1.2.3 - and now it works! with separated by comma.
[SOLVED] Sent mails ...
Posted 13 years, 11 months ago
by stovring
Now that so often get updates, it'd be nice with a little info on what is fixed since the previous version.
Would it be possible to get this info?
Often updates!
Posted 13 years, 11 months ago
by stovring
I have now bought the module and upgraded to latest version and have just seen that the error is corrected - many thanks! Lovely.
I also have started a new translation into Danish, but it still lags a bit with the language files - some words and sentences must be found in the written php files. But I think there's potential heat of the module.
PS. I did not think it is smart that when you choose to opradere so overwrites all the css files, so you have to scratch with its own setup - at least one should be aware that overwriting these files takes place.
And I miss is still a unique booking reference number - and that this number could appear in calenderr instead of the name of the customer. customer names may well be the same - But customers can in the calendar immediately see his bokking number next to the rental period.
Troubleshooting and ...
Posted 13 years, 11 months ago
by stovring
I've tried both comma and semicolon, but can not get some things work.
[SOLVED] Sent mails ...
Posted 13 years, 11 months ago
by stovring
Order id: 16583
Is it possible to send emails for booking to more than 1 admin. eg:
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
As far as I could see the possibility should operate in the free version, but it did I not get it to work.
[SOLVED] Sent mails ...
Posted 13 years, 11 months ago
by stovring
Danish language files are also available for download - except the few words that are found in the module's php files. And I want to continue to translate, because I think it can become a really good module.
Before making the files available for download, I would like to know if the proposal of Jan is valid and how can I get my free paid version.
Italian Language
Posted 14 years ago
by stovring
If choosing an object can be rented 12 months ahead, it will go wrong with the calendar. currently starts just fine in March, but will continue 12 months and ending with Febuar 2011 instead of Febuar 2012th
In the configuration section, it is apparently possible to sent mails to more than 1 admin but it does not work, you can not separate the 2 emailadr. either with, (comma) or; (simicolon)
If you choose to do a search when joomla's search module is active, the following errors on the page should display search RESULT: Warning: Invalid argument leveres for foreach () in X: \ XXX \ www XXX.dk \ plugins \ search \ booking.php on line 137
It is possible for an object to insert multiple images, but the small gallery during the object shown on the booking page, always shows a picture less than connected to the object - if you click on the small image is displayed correctly all images that have been added added object.
A booking should have its own unique bookingid which could be inserted in email, and this bookingid should be visible in the calendar, along with price when the booking is completed, so the customer can see the calendar boys that right actually booked him with the ID standing in the received mail. - Also would make a telephoning easier if you could refer to a bookingid.
Language files should really read through and have a heavy cleanup. more words and phrases are repeated in several languages files, and single word found only in the module's php files.
See my site: http://www.valsgaardforsamlingshus.dk
Troubleshooting and ...
Posted 14 years ago
by stovring
jan wrote:
we do not have yet capacity to translate to Italian ourselves, so we have to wait until some of the users will be so kind and provides us (and other users also) with a translation.
We would offer a free paid version to any user who would provide a language translation.
The way to translate the component is same as for any other Joomla componentent, that is there are language files in language and in adminstrator/language.
If you wish, I would really like to translate into Danish, I'm already well under way, currently I use the free version. I am not yet finished, but the preliminary results can be seen on valsfor.submotel.dk.
But I've now found out that simple words and phrases not found in language files, some status messages contained in the email must be found in: administrator \ Components \ com_booking \ controllers \ reservation.php line (131) for instance
case 'Receiver':
$ status = JText ::_(' reservations accepted. ');
It seemed I certainly is not smart. and finally there are actually simple phrases which are repeated 2 times in language files - I can not remember which.
excuse my English - I use google translate, since I'm not so good to write English, it goes bedere to read and talk!
Italian Language
Posted 14 years ago
by stovring
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