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Profile for zuleima

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 20:59
  • Posts: 1
  • Profile Views: 5073
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Hi, sorry if I write a bit tangled, my English is not good and I am using a translator.

My concern is in relation to the possibility of front-end users are able to index the files that load, it is not necessary that from the administrator have to add it as a permanent archive, and therefore when possible load file description and add the fields that identify as keywords and meta-description. This may enable? to be so, as I do?

(I want to avoid having to add the "New Document" for the file uploaded .... It's something I do not understand, if you already uploaded it is the one that I want to add, it should not be necessary to re-enter it but enter editing the section informative and ready)

I hope I explained :)

Thank you!
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