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Profile for datamove

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 21
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Most of those errors are caused when JQuery alias ($ sign) get mixed with other javascript libraries or there are used wrong versions of js-libraries (too old or too new). You have to change JQuery alias temporarily, disable other js-libraries on pages using this functions or check that used js-libraries are correct.

Can you post html source of that page where the problem exists?
Cannot Select Check ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Tested this and found that urls is not working if...

- SEO urls is activated
- Object alias is containing only numbers

This could be a bug in Joomla core components (in JRoute class) because it seems like booking ARoute class was working correctly.

kabamarou81: I suggest you to change all of the aliases to something else than number (i already changed two of them to "object1" and "object2" during testing).
Booking not working ...
Category: Customer Support
Threads are better to follow if top level category is shown in Recent Topics, My Topics and No Replies lists.
Support forum, new f ...
Category: General
You can discard this report.
Bug, booking: transl ...
Category: Customer Support
Booking is trying to access joomla.javascript.js file from directory root/includes/js/ directory but the file is missing.
It will cause some functions not working correctly (maybe only in frontend).

What is the right location for that file?

Version information:
Joomla! 2.5.4
Booking 1.4.3
Bug, booking: joomla ...
Category: Customer Support
When using fix limit like below, dates are highlighted from separate weeks.

Setting reservation type:

Setting price for fixed day:
There is workaround for this: If you set "Days Availability" same amount days as there are days in fix limit, it will highlight days correctly but bug is always bug...

Date highlight is not working correctly:

Versio information
Joomla! 2.5.4
Booking 1.4.3
Bug, booking: fix li ...
Category: Customer Support
Here is the solution for wrong weeknumber problem when week gets wrong weeknumber if last day of previous month and first day of next month is on same week.

Create module override-directory under html -folder on template directory

Copy attached file to created folder

Before fix:

After fix:
Fix, wrong weeknumbe ...
Category: Customer Support
Last week of month will be visible and blank on next month calendar if the weekday of last day of month is sunday.
Bug, booking: same w ...
Category: Customer Support
Last week of month will be visible and blank on next month calendar if the weekday of last day of month is sunday.
Bug, booking: same w ...
Category: Customer Support
Did you get fix for the duplicated week bug?
2 bugs in month cale ...
Category: Community Support
Anchors does not work with divs, only with a - tag.

<a name="caltop"></a>

<a name="#caltop">This will jump to caltop</a>
Booking Calendar
Category: Customer Support
........Making reservation should be able although ending day is not visible on calendar.

This could be solved partially if there are "enough" calendars visible but will still be problem if reservation is made on last calendar.
Making more calendars visible will also increase javascript amount on page and will cause at least IE working very slow.
Showstopper Bug, boo ...
Category: Customer Support
Reseting calendar raises javascript error on file calendars.js (row: 230).

parameters (from, to) are set to null during reset but parameter content are not tested (from == null && to == null) before comparing each others when initializing calendar again.

Information about environment:
Joomla version: 2.5.4
Booking Version: 1.4.3
Database Version 5.1.63-cll
Database Collation utf8_general_ci
PHP Version 5.2.17
Web Server Apache
Bug, booking: Calend ...
Category: Customer Support
Using fixed limit with value over days what are visible on customer calendar will cause showstopper bug.

Reproducing bug:
Create reservation type ("2 month") and set fix limit value to 60.
Reduce visible calendars count to 1.
Make reservation and select "2 month" from calendar.

Calendar page is reloaded and then it is empty, all reservation boxes are gone.
It is working after browser cache is cleared.

Information about environment:
Joomla version: 2.5.4
Booking Version: 1.4.3
Database Version 5.1.63-cll
Database Collation utf8_general_ci
PHP Version 5.2.17
Web Server Apache
Showstopper Bug, boo ...
Category: Customer Support
Language translations for elements defining here: admin\views\reservation\view.html.php are missing.
Those are used on modal popup after clicking book it -button and also on customer registration page.

Information about environment:
Joomla version: 2.5.4
Booking Version: 1.4.3
Database Version 5.1.63-cll
Database Collation utf8_general_ci
PHP Version 5.2.17
Web Server Apache
Bug, booking: transl ...
Category: Customer Support
Two (or more) reservation types with exact same price and reservation conditions but with different suplements are too slow to maintain because each price update have to do twice on both reservation types. That is also against database normalization because same data is saved many times in database.

If i am renting places for motorcaravans with and without electricity. I have 20 places for motorcaravans but only 10 of them are with electricity.
I can't use single reservation type with "yes/no" selection on electricity because i found myself on situation someday that every places are rented with electricity but only 10 of those are able to get it.
Feature request: lim ...
Category: Feature Requests
If there are more than default amount of elements on objects list on backend and after selecting "Display All" text "No items found." is displayed.

It should display all elements.

Same problem could be on other lists too.
Bug, booking: Error ...
Category: Customer Support
Database is not updated correctly after removing reservation objects. At least table lr95v_booking_reservation_type is not emptied although all objects and are removed.
This might cause some kind problems on future.

Please fix this asap.
Bug, booking: Databa ...
Category: Customer Support
Order of reservation types cannot be set and therefore them are displayed in random(?) order on reservation page.
Sometimes it is neccessary to set common reservation types on beginning of the list.
Feature request: ord ...
Category: Feature Requests
Able to limit reservation suplements could be important feature on some reservations.

Somebody is renting places for motorcaravans with and without electricity.

Booking process is more complex for customer if there are non-electricity and electricity reservation items instead of one item with option to select non-electricity and electricity (or whatever there are defined on suplements list).
Feature request: lim ...
Category: Feature Requests
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