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Profile for atomik

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 22
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Still counting twice :(
Nobody really experienced that problem?

It happens on my two sites running J 3.2.1

It can't be, I am the only one with this :(
404 Log counts twice
Category: JoomSEF 4
I am the only admin and I can produce that effect (counting twice) on the site not visited by anybody else. On my production site I can call any random address and I can see it immidiately on the admin backend. So it is not likely anybody else calls the same address the same time.
By counting twice I mean 2, 4, 6, 8... instead of 1, 2, 3, 4...
404 Log counts twice
Category: JoomSEF 4
I have just noticed, that I've made small typo. It is:

Joomla! 3.2.1
Artio JoomSEF 4.5.1

No ideas why does it count twice?
404 Log counts twice
Category: JoomSEF 4
When I display my 404 Log, I can clearly see, that it counts events in pairs because all numbers are even. After intended generation of 404 error, I can see 2 in the Hits column, instead of 1.

It is not critical, I can manage it (dividing by 2 at least) but I just wander why? Mybe I am missing something important in settings which can have adverse effect on other results? Or maybe it is an error in my htaccess file?

Joomla! 4.2.1/LAMP
404 Log counts twice
Category: JoomSEF 4

I've been fighting with this issue for some time and finaly it seems, that I've found simple solution.

You have to clean JoomlaSEF cache (big red cross on JoomSEF component page) every time after you change your meta tag in Joomla SEF interface or you can switch cache off
Using Joomsef MetaDa ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Good idea, thanks :)
Wildcards in 301 red ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I've got the same question.

Is it possible to use wildcards like * or ??? in 301 redirects?

It would save a lot of work to redirect customers to at least more relevant section in new site layout in case you have your site rebuilt while google still have your links from the old one.

I've got the same problem as frill does (maybe not so severe) but still I can see visits bouncing on 404 while visitors want to see photo gallery aor articles from old links.

Any help appreciated

Wildcards in 301 red ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thanks Jan..

That's what I discovered previously. I tried to reorder plugins but with no joy.

Finaly I solved the problem installing Simple META Mangement Suite. It's exactly what I wanted. Now I have most metatags automatically generated by JoomSEO and those which are wrong I can redefine using SMM. Works excellent.
JoomSEF + JoomSEO an ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I am using JoomSEF with JoomSEO to get most tags generated automatically but some of them are occasionally awful. It happens on pages when search results are presented.

I want JoomSEF to overrite description tag on those pages but when I fill description field on specified link, nothing happens.

What should I do?
JoomSEF + JoomSEO an ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
It is obviously working but you would have had better links if you turned "Show category?" - Si
It would add category name to link and you would avoid links like peliculas-1.html, peliculas-2.html etc
Now it uses only section name so each submenu under peliculas section is added number to make it unique.
If you used categories in addition to section, you would avoid numbering and had nicer urls.
problem with URL'S j ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Updating JoomSEF
Category: JoomSEF 3
I woldn't be so sceptic :)

I believe, that they want to make some money on new version and then after developing newer one, push previous vesion back to the free pool.
Updating JoomSEF
Category: JoomSEF 3
I've just made some research and I'm afraid, that ver 3.3.0 is available only as the paid one. The highest free ver is 3.2.12
Updating JoomSEF
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have the same problem..

It updated from 3.2.11 to 3.2.12 but does not want to upgrade to 3.3.0 inspite of reporting, that the newest one is 3.3.0
Updating JoomSEF
Category: JoomSEF 3
OK denis - SOLVED.

I changed CP configuration to include tags ID instead of names in urls and now your extension works excellent!

I think a note about this CP setting should be included in extension installation manual.

CustomProperties ext ...
Category: Extensions
Hi again denis,

I've found difference.

Your extension generates fine url when there is tagid like tagId=8 value inside link, but does not when tag is passed by url in other CP formats like tagName=Quote subject:Children or cp_impression[0]=famous

Is it possible to include other CP formats in url formating for JoomSEF?
CustomProperties ext ...
Category: Extensions
Hi again,

I had a look in SEF table and found some lovely urls but others don't look good.

Here is an example:

index.php?option=com_customproperties&tagName=Quote subject:Humanity&task=tag&Itemid=1

index.php?option=com_customproperties&tagName=Verses purpose:Inspiration&task=tag&Itemid=1




tags/ecouragement-3.html index.php?



I can send you whole table by email if it helps.
CustomProperties ext ...
Category: Extensions
Hi denis,

It doesn't make any difference on my site with the same version of CP

What do I do wrong?

Maybe I have to change something in settings?
CustomProperties ext ...
Category: Extensions
Hi denis,

I can see new release in Downloads.

I installed it but I cannot see any changes :(
installed i mean: uninstalled old, purged url cache, installed new.
It still says the same version number, creation date and generates exactly the same urls.

There is some upgrade inside zip file but I do not know how to use it..

What do I do wrong?
CustomProperties ext ...
Category: Extensions
Thanks a lot!

I'm gonna test it as soon as it comes.
CustomProperties ext ...
Category: Extensions
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