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Using Joomsef MetaData editor does not make change
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TOPIC: Using Joomsef MetaData editor does not make change

Using Joomsef MetaData editor does not make change 15 years, 10 months ago #6540

Joomsef is working excellent in two shops now but...

I have started to implement Meta Title, Descriptions and Keywords for the products in my virtumart shop but I noticed no changes. In the the sourcecode of the product pages still the General Meta Title and Keywords of Joomla global setting are used.

Joomla 1.5.7.
Virtumart 1.1.2
Joomsef v3.2.0 paid version
Virtumart plugin 2.0.0

Plugin System - ARTIO Joomsef activated
- Enable MetaData generation Yes
- Prefer JoonSEF titles Yes
- Rewrite Keywords, Description Yes, Yes.

Plugin System - SEF activated.

Cannot find what I am doing wrong.
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Re:Using Joomsef MetaData editor does not make change 15 years, 10 months ago #6546

  • jaku
First of all I would recommend upgrading at least:

Joomla, JoomSEF & VM plugin to the latest versions.

Second, make sure the JoomSEF plugin is not conflicting with other system plugins. Most often this is JfRouter (see JoomSEF FAQ) or other plugins working with meta-tags. (if you are not sure, try to switch other plugins off temporarily)
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Re:Using Joomsef MetaData editor does not make change 15 years, 10 months ago #6549

Thanks Jan,

The packgae I bought and installed a month ago (version v3.2.9 and virtumart 2.0.2) for my second website is working perfect.

I have tried to upgrade the software form the firstwebsite from your server and the virtumart plugin upgrade worked ok, the Joomsef upgrade itself generates an errormessage :File does not exist in upgrade package: /site/sef_ext/com_docman.xml . I have uninstaaled the docman plugin while i d'don't use that application but the rror message still appears.

How to move on ?
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Re:Using Joomsef MetaData editor does not make change 15 years, 9 months ago #6689

  • jaku
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Re:Using Joomsef MetaData editor does not make change 15 years, 8 months ago #7355

I'm using ARTIO JoomSEF v3.2.1 (I'm stuck at this version as it won't upgrade - but that's not the issue) with the virtuemart plugin.

The problem is that on none of my J1.5 / VM1.1 sites does the function to re-write the meta keywords work

I see a blank keywords tag despite the plugin being set to rewrite the keywords.

I have disabled all other plugins and it still occurs.

it is just that the Artio plugin does not work for the keywords. It will create the description OK it forgets to do the keywords only.

I have to use the Joom SEO plugin from Phil Brown which then does the job as I expect, unfortunately the logic is not very good and sometimes I get bad results, so I want the Artio in-built functionality to work!

I have a variety of Joomla1.0 and J1.5 sites running ver. 2 and 3 of Artio. I have checked all my sites and they all do the same thing. No keywords until I install and run the Phil Brown JoomSEO plugin.

My global meta description and keyword fields are blank.

Artio works well apart from this and I've never had any other problems.

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Re:Using Joomsef MetaData editor does not make change 15 years, 8 months ago #7375

  • jaku
Dear Dean,

did you enter any keywords for your VM URLs? You write that it does not generate them, but do you have some defined?
Please note that JoomSEF does NOT generate any keywords automatically! It only hands over the manually defined ones to Joomla core.
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