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Profile for alosurdo

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 13
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Hi, i want to be able to have JoomSEF create the above meta tags, however when i manually enter the above Tags into the product page for example in VM i want this to be the first choice (see screenshot attached). If there are no tags entered here then i am wanting it to use the JoomSEF created tags.

Under JoomSEF configuration i have selected Enavable Met Tags Mangement, Meta-Keywords Preference : Prefer Original and Meta Description Preference : Prefer Original. Metadata auto-generation : Only if Original is Empty.

I would have assumed it would be using JoomSEF meta tags when no Original can be found. Instead it is using the Global Metadata settings in Joomla config for all pages which have not had meta details manually entered and NOT the JoomSEF created titles.

Please note, i did change the Meta Preferences in JoomSEF to Prefer Original a week or so ago as i wanted more specific tags. I have cleared cached and purged since.

If anyone could please advise it would be appreciated.

Meta Decription and ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hello? Any feedback would be appreciated.
Duplicate URL with E ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I am having major issues with duplicate urls. One being the correct url and the second being a error=404 and the title of the incorrect duplicate shows "404 the requested product does not exist"

I have the search for all error=404 in Mange SEF URLS and delete them and clear cache and then a couple of day later i have a lot more recreated.

EG 1:

SEF URL: shop
Real ERROR URL : index.php?option=com_virtuemart&error=404&Itemid=121
Real CORRECT URL index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=121

EG 2:

SEF URL: shop/tripods-monopods/gitzo
Real ERROR URL: index.php?option=com_virtuemart&error=404&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=16&virtuemart_manufacturer_id=29&Itemid=121
Real CORRECT URL index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=16&virtuemart_manufacturer_id=29&Itemid=121

Also a lot of errors seem to be on the following SEF URLs/ "shop/list-all-products/"

Please advise ASAP
Duplicate URL with E ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi, is there a way to change the invoice date other then to show the date the invoice was created.

eg. Back date or forward date??
Change Invoice Date
Category: Customer Support

I'm using Joomla 2.5 + JoomSEF 4.5.2 + VirtueMart 2
I have a next big problem.
I have Home page (Itemid=125) and Shop page (Itemid=121).
On Home page I show latest added products from VirtueMart. Original urls, with sef disabled, looks like this one:
as you can see Itemid=121 this is Shop.
And my sef url must looks like:

but, with enabled sef, in JoomSEF->Manage SEF URLs I see next:
as you can see Itemid=125 this is Home.

Why JoomSEF creates incorrect sef urls and how can I fix this?
Of course I can edit this urls from admin panel but this is not good idea because I can add a lot of products and I must edit all this urls.
Please help me with this big problem.

Incorrect SEF urls.
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi, when i clone an existing product and change the name/title/sku and then save a new product. The original product can no longer be viewed.

When i have a look in JoomSEF, i can see that the cloned product has been given the exact same SEF URL which most probably is where the issue is.

How do i fix this issue and make it generate a new SEF URL for the cloned product/s?
Clone Product Issue
Category: JoomSEF 4
I am using Joom Sef4 is this what you mean? For Virteumart Products
Auto Meta Tags Gener ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi, i am finding the Auto Meta Tag generation not very useful and the tags it generates have little to do with the actual product. Is it possible to set something up where it takes words from the product name mainly and then from the description or something similar??
Auto Meta Tags Gener ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi, i have been using this product for a while now with no problems. All of a sudden today it has been sending 10-20 of the same invoice to the customer, where as before it would only send one as normal. Nothing has changed from our end, so i am wondering what needs to be done to fix this??

Vm Invoices Sending ...
Category: General
So does this mean when the URL is in trash , the meta details aren't being seen by search engines and the seo URL isn't being seen by search engines either?
Joom SEF not auto ad ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Any help would be appreciated, i have had a look at the Joom Status and there are 4000+ URLS trashed? What does this mean and why is it happening????

Automatic SEF URLs: 86
Custom SEF URLs: 1119
Trashed SEF URLs: 5927
404 URLs: 0
Moved URLs: 0
Total URLs: 7132
Joom SEF not auto ad ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi, i have been using JoomSef for about 1 year now with no problems. I noticed my rankings falling off google over the last 3-4 months and was trying to work out why. I opened JoomSef yesterday and noticed that new products and pages and categories are not getting automatically updated with SEF details as they were before and there are a lot of pages that are now in the Trashed section of JoomSef. I am not sure why this would be and would like some help on getting JoomSef to automatically update meta details for the pages with no information and going forward that it continues to do it automatically when a new pages is added , as well as getting pages out of the trashed section of joomsef.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Joom SEF not auto ad ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

In my invoice i am getting the following:

Invoice Date: 25.03.2011
Payment Type: PayPal (new API)
Variable Symbol: 48

What is the Variable Symbol and how do i remove it?

Thank you
Category: VM Invoice
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