You must provide at least one recipient email address
- Last revised:
- Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014
You probably did not setup manager or supplier e-mail in component configuration on tab SMS/E-mail.
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You probably did not setup manager or supplier e-mail in component configuration on tab SMS/E-mail.
We have implemented and created a new web presentation for Unipetrol Centre of Research and Education. The whole system is based on Joomla! CMS and included graphic design, implementation open source system Joomla, data migration and system customiza...
ARTIO on toteuttanut Tampereen Tesoman apteekin ja Villilän sivuapteekin responsiiviset verkkosivut Joomla!-julkaisujärjestelmään. Näissä apteekeissa hyllyopasteet ovat kahrella kielellä: suomeksi ja tampereeks. Rotia terveytee!
New release of VirtueMart PDF Invoice generator - VM Invoice 3.1.17 is now available. This new version introduces fix reported by our users and new feature.
JoomSEF 4.7.6 is now available for download or upgrade. This release include some new improvement, improvement and also the known bug fix. Read more about the new features.
New release of VirtueMart PDF Invoice generator - VM Invoice 3.1.16 is now available. This new version introduces fix reported by our users.
New release of VirtueMart PDF Invoice generator - VM Invoice 3.1.15 is now available. This new version introduces some new features and improvements as well as fixes reported by our users.
JoomSEF 4.7.0 is now available for download or upgrade. This release include some new features, improvement and also the known bug fixes. Read more about the new features.