How to upgrade from free version to paid or pro version?
- Last revised:
- Montag, 10. März 2014
After buy paid or pro version you get Download ID which identifies your license. You have to download install package from the Download Area to activate your license.
The Download ID enter in configuration of installed free version on the tab Registration into the field ARTIO Download ID. After save configuration open CPanel/Configuration/Check Updates.
If your license is valid then you get button Upgrade from ARTIO Server (you have non current free version) or Reinstall from ARTIO Server (you have current free version). Click on the button to upgrade into the latest paid or pro version.
If there is some error message instead of button and your license is valid and activated then you can upgrade with manually upload. On the Check Updates page in the section Upload Package File upload the install package from the Download Area.
After successfull upgrade go to CPanel/Configuration/Error Log and click on the button Refresh Database.
The upgrade does not delete any data and configuration.