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Joomla! Erweiterungen

ARTIO JoomSEF logo

Joomla SEO, SEF URLs und Metadaten

Improve Joomla website SEO and user experience. JoomSEF generates SEF (search engine friendly), easy-to-understand URLs and metadata. Supports built-in Joomla components and many add-ons. Sitemap generation, Google Analytics, ...

Frei oder von €26.90Version 3.9 & 4.3Joomla 1.5 & 2.5
ARTIO Book it! logo

Buchung & Reservierung für Joomla

Allow fast and easy booking of your services or reservations of various objects. Multiple calendar layouts (month/week/day), optional supplements, capacity reservation, deposit option, payment module plug-ins and many more.

Frei oder von €49.00Version 1.3Joomla 1.5 & 2.5
ARTIO JoomDOC logo

Dokumentverwaltung für Joomla

Upload, edit, organize and download public or intranet documents using this Joomla document management system (DMS) and download manager. Offers advanced features such as versioning, fulltext document search ot WebDAV editing.

Frei oder von €29.00Version 3.4Joomla 1.5 & 2.5
B2Sync: VirtueMart - Pohoda

VirtueMart - Accounting Bridge

Connector for bridging between VirtueMart and accounting software. This tool can export VirtueMart orders and import them into accountancy SW as invoices or orders, update stock statuses in e-shop, etc.

€99.00Joomla 1.5 and VM 1.x. Joomla 2.5/3.4 and VM 2.0.x/3.0.x
ARTIO FusionCharts for Joomla logo

Animiert Flash Grafe für Joomla

Charting and graph plotting extension for Joomla CMS. Create different types of exciting JawaScript charts and integrate them into Joomla website. Feed data dynamically from file or database...

Free or from €59.90Version 1.1Joomla 1.5, 2.5


How do I install new version of the component?

Last revised:


Since the JoomSEF version 1.3.3, there is an update utility provided. You can upgrade your installation easily by clicking "Update" button and the newest version will be downloaded and upgraded automatically for you. The automatic upgrade will preserve your current configuration and all generated URLs.

As alternative or for older versions, you can use the default Joomla!'s component unistall and install utility to remove the old version and install the new. However if you do so, your configuration and manually entered URLs (if you have any) will be lost and you will need to set them again. Therefore you are strongly adviced to backup them using provided utility first. Also you can do the update manually by replacing the files from the distribution package. This is however recommended to experienced users only.


Ausgewählte Referenzen


We have implemented and created a new web presentation for Unipetrol Centre of Research and Education. The whole system is based on Joomla! CMS and included graphic design, implementation open source system Joomla, data migration and system customiza...


We have created a new web presentation for very well known gymnasium and primary school PORG. The project has been developed in Joomla! CMS and includes graphic design, implementation open source content management system and adjustment html layout t...

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VM Invoice 3.1.17 right now!


New release of VirtueMart PDF Invoice generator - VM Invoice 3.1.17 is now available. This new version introduces fix reported by our users and new feature.

New JoomSEF 4.7.6 is here!


JoomSEF 4.7.6 is now available for download or upgrade. This release include some new improvement, improvement and also the known bug fix. Read more about the new features.

VM Invoice 3.1.16 is available


New release of VirtueMart PDF Invoice generator - VM Invoice 3.1.16 is now available. This new version introduces fix reported by our users.

VM Invoice 3.1.15 is here


New release of VirtueMart PDF Invoice generator - VM Invoice 3.1.15 is now available. This new version introduces some new features and improvements as well as fixes reported by our users.

New JoomSEF 4.7.0 compatible with Joomla 3.7


JoomSEF 4.7.0 is now available for download or upgrade. This release include some new features, improvement and also the known bug fixes. Read more about the new features.

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