Update from FREE version to any PAID license
- Last revised:
- never
Free version use different kind of swf (flash) files and allow user to set less options. This can make some incompatibility with paid versions and we recommend to complete uninstall of the component and then install new paid version.
To uninstall use Joomla Extension Manager. After that you need to manyally check if there is no more any file for free version. Check (remove) these files/folders:
- {project_root}/components/com_artiofusioncharts/
- {project_root}/administrator/components/com_artiofusioncharts/
- {project_root}/administrator/language/{lang-code}/{lang-code}.com_artiofusioncharts.ini
- {project_root}/administrator/language/{lang-code}/{lang-code}.com_artiofusioncharts.sys.ini
Then check database and for sure remove tables starting with: {prefix}_artiofusioncharts
For full uninstallation you can also remove 2 plugins for charts:
- Content - ARTIOFusionCharts
- Editor Button - ARTIOFusionCharts.