How can I translate component for my language?
- Last revised:
- Donnerstag, 24. September 2015
VM Invoice 3 uses standard Joomla! language system. Default localisation for English is in files:
administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_vminvoice3 .sys.ini
language/en-GB/en-GB.com_vminvoice3 .ini
You want to translate for German (de-DE). You have to copy English (en-GB) files and translate:
administrator/language/de-DE/de-DE.com_vminvoice3 .ini
administrator/language/de-DE/de-DE.com_vminvoice3 .sys.ini
language/de-DE/de-DE.com_vminvoice3 .ini
In English files you can find rows : COM_VMINVOICE3_INVOICE_DATE="Invoice date"
Left side COM_VMINVOICE3_INVOICE_DATE= is property. Do not change it! Translate quoted text on the right side only.
In German files you can find row: COM_VMINVOICE3_INVOICE_DATE="Rechnungsdatum"
Language file must be created in UTF-8 encoding. We recommend to edit the file in the program PSPAD which allows you to setup file encoding.
Reason why custom localisation does not appear is some parsing error in INI file. Try to run Debug Mode. Remember that a text on the right side of a row has to be enclosed in double quotes - PROPERTY="YOUR TEXT"
Turn on option Debug Language in Global Configuration under tab System. You should turn on pluginDebug of type System as well. On the bottom of the page is Debug Console where you can find parsing errors in language files and list of loaded language files. Control if your files are loaded and there are no parsing errors.