JoomDOC 3 Explorer works with JoomDOC 3.3.0 and newer. This module shows tree navigator in folders (aka Windows Explorer). It uses MooTree framework. Module is compatible with Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 2.5.
JoomDOC Modules
Installable Joomla modules for JoomDOC component.
JoomDOC 3 Explorer Module
Hits: 14751
JoomDOC 3 Combo Module
Hits: 12374
JoomDOC 3 Combo Module is compatible with Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 2.5.. This enables showing a module anywhere in your site and displaing the newest or the most popular documents.
It displays a predefined count of newest or popular documents. You can further configure it to display a fragment of document description, mime type icon and/or file size. Every module item can link either to a document detail view or to a direct download of the document.
This module is available for all JoomDOC 3 distributions. Requires JoomDOC 3.2.3 version or newer.
JoomDOC 3 Search Module
Hits: 11541
JoomDOC 3 Search Module is compatible add-on module for Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 2.5. This enables showing a module anywhere in your site that will trigger searching in JoomDOC 3 documents.
It supports searching in document titles, descriptions and keywords. The search can be site-wide (in all documents regardless category) or category-binded. With Pro and Enterprise versions also supports full-text search in documents. Configurable appearance that allows choosing what search options will be visible to users. Module is available for all JoomDOC 3 distributions but only for 3.2.3 version and higher.
JoomDOC 2 Latest Added Documents Modue
Hits: 18942
This module shows lists of the latest added JoomDOC documents. The number of items shown is configurable in module settings. Module is only JoomDOC 2 compatible.
JoomDOC 2 Most Downloaded Documents Module
Hits: 15761
This module shows lists of the most popular and downloaded JoomDOC documents. The number of items shown is configurable in module settings. Module is only JoomDOC 2 compatible.