Google Calendar Synchronization
- Last revised:
- Mittwoch, 09. August 2017
Reservations can be synchronized with your Google Calendar. For this purpose you need to have own Google account.
1. Google Settings
- Create google calendar in your google account (http://www.google.com/calendar)
- Then go to https://cloud.google.com and create the project by clicking on Try it now button under Tools for modern applications section. Create new project by entering Project name and Project ID. It can take few minutes.
- Turn on Calendar API at the APIs & auth -> APIs.
- Create new Client ID at APIs & auth -> Credentials. Set it as Web application.
- Set following URLs:
http://yourdomain/administrator/index.php?option=com_booking&task=google.authenticate - By clicking on Create Client ID, you receive Client ID and Client Secret.
This data will be important for Booking settings. - Next step is at APIs & auth -> Content Screen where you need to set at least the following fields: Email address and Product name.
Save modifications.
2. Booking Settings
- Go to Components -> ARTIO Booking -> Control Panel -> tab Configuration -> Configuration (also known as Global Configuration) -> tab Google.
Enter Client ID and Client Secret generated in previous steps.
Save the settings. - Run Load Calendars, which can be found here:
Components -> ARTIO Booking -> Control Panel -> tab Google.
This function loads calendars created in your google account - Now you can choose Default Calendar in Global Configuration
- To finish synchronization use Control Panel -> tab Google -> Synchronize Events. The reservation will be synchronized with your google calendar.
3. Joomla settings
- In the System/Global Configuration/Server/Server Time Zone has to be a time zone of your country. For example: Europe/Prague.