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JoomSEF 4.x Extensions

Free JoomSEF 4.x add-on plugins for addional SEF support for various 3rd party components. Check out also our JoomSEF 4 Paid Extensions or see full JoomSEF Extensions List.


Book It! JoomSEF Extension

Hits: 6969

This extension provides SEF URLs for Book It! - Booking & Reservations for Joomla component. Compatible with JoomSEF 4.1.x and newer.


Remository JoomSEF 4 Extension

Hits: 46201

This extension provides SEF URLs for Remository component. Compatible with JoomSEF 4.1.x and newer.


Phoca Guestbook JoomSEF Extension

Hits: 26976

This extension provides SEF URLs for Phoca Guesbook component (DMS). Compatible with JoomSEF 4.1.x and newer.


Phoca Maps JoomSEF Extension

Hits: 30987

This extension provides SEF URLs for Phoca Maps component. Compatible with JoomSEF 4.1.x and newer.


JoomDOC 3 JoomSEF Extension

Hits: 26616

This extension provides SEF URLs for JoomDOC 3 - Joomla Document Management component (DMS). Compatible with JoomSEF 4.1.x and newer.


Kunena Forum JoomSEF Extension

Hits: 27620

This extension provides SEF URLs for Kunena Forum component, which is successor of FireBoard and JoomlaBoard. Compatible with JoomSEF 4.1.x and newer.


Search JoomSEF Extension

Hits: 28502

This extension improves SEF URLs for search component. Compatible with JoomSEF 4.1.x and newer.



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