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VMinvoice one joomla 2.5 and virtualmart 2.0
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TOPIC: VMinvoice one joomla 2.5 and virtualmart 2.0

Re: VMinvoice one joomla 2.5 and virtualmart 2.0 13 years ago #27795

The current version 1.7.10 isn't compatible to VM 2.0., right? But ARTIO will release a compatible version in the very near future (next days or weeks), won't they?
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Re: VMinvoice one joomla 2.5 and virtualmart 2.0 13 years ago #27809

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Sure. We will release it within a week I guess. (Sorry, we know we said it will be around this week, there's some other work.) Also, it will not be fully compatible with VM2, because minimal needed version of VM will be 2.0.1, which is still in testing version (
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: VMinvoice one joomla 2.5 and virtualmart 2.0 13 years ago #27846

Sounds good.
Could you specify the possible problems with VM 2.0, or won't it work at all with the 2.0 version?
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Re: VMinvoice one joomla 2.5 and virtualmart 2.0 13 years ago #27853

I'm still not got the link to vm 2.0.0 and joomla 2.5.1
I get the error code are,

# Required configuration data for the VirtueMart installer # # Copyright (c) 2004 - 2010 VirtueMart Team. All rights reserved. # GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant # to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or # is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or # other free or open source software licenses. # $Id: virtuemart_defaults.cfg 3726 2011-07-16 12:01:49Z Milbo $ # # Notes: # - The hash-sign (#) is a comment character, but only if it's the first non-blank char on a line # - The equal-sign (=) when the default value is empty, is optional # - Constant values can be used by enclosing them in curly brackets ({}), eg: # some_path_value={JPATH_ROOT}{DS}virtuemart{DS}somewhere [config] ##shop settings shop_is_offline=0 offline_message=Our Shop is currently down for maintenance. Please check back again soon. use_as_catalog=0 currency_converter_module=convertECB.php order_mail_html=1 dateformat=%m/%d/%y useSSL=0 dangeroustools=0 debug_enable=none google_jquery=1 multix=none ##Shopfront pdf_button_enable=1 show_emailfriend=1 show_printicon=0 show_out_of_stock_products=1 coupons_enable=0 coupons_default_expire=1,D weight_unit_default=KG lwh_unit_default=m list_limit=10 showReviewFor=all reviewMode=registered showRatingFor=all ratingMode=registered reviews_autopublish=1 reviews_minimum_comment_length=100 reviews_maximum_comment_length=2000 vmtemplate=default categorytemplate=default showCategory=1 categorylayout=default categories_per_row=3 productlayout=default products_per_row=3 vmlayout=default show_featured=1 featured_products_per_row=3 show_topTen=1 topten_products_per_row=3 show_recent=1 show_latest=1 ##Paths assets_general_path=components/com_virtuemart/assets/ media_category_path=images/stories/virtuemart/category/ media_product_path=images/stories/virtuemart/product/ media_manufacturer_path=images/stories/virtuemart/manufacturer/ media_vendor_path=images/stories/virtuemart/vendor/ img_resize_enable=1 img_width=90 img_height=90 no_image_set=noimage.gif no_image_found=warning.png ##Product order settings browse_orderby_field=p.virtuemart_product_id browse_orderby_fields=array:product_sku|category_name|mf_name|product_name # Hmm how was that stored? # browse_orderby_fields=Array # ( # 0=product_sku # 1=category_name # 2=mf_name # 3=product_name # ) browse_search_fields=array:product_sku|category_name|category_description|mf_name|product_name|product_s_desc # ( # 0=product_sku # 1=category_name # 2=category_description # 3=mf_name # 4=product_name # 5=product_s_desc # ) ##Pricing show_prices=1 price_access_level_published=0 price_show_packaging_pricelabel=0 show_tax=1 basePrice=1 basePriceText=1 basePriceRounding=2 variantModification=1 variantModificationText=1 variantModificationRounding=2 basePriceVariant=1 basePriceVariantText=1 basePriceVariantRounding=2 basePriceWithTax=1 basePriceWithTaxText=1 basePriceWithTaxRounding=2 discountedPriceWithoutTax=1 discountedPriceWithoutTaxText=1 discountedPriceWithoutTaxRounding=2 salesPriceWithDiscount=1 salesPriceWithDiscountText=1 salesPriceWithDiscountRounding=2 salesPrice=1 salesPriceText=1 salesPriceRounding=2 priceWithoutTax=1 priceWithoutTaxText=1 priceWithoutTaxRounding=2 discountAmount=1 discountAmountText=1 discountAmountRounding=2 taxAmount=1 taxAmountText=1 taxAmountRounding=2 ##Check stock check_stock=0 automatic_payment=1 automatic_shipping=1 agree_to_tos_onorder=0 oncheckout_show_legal_info=1 oncheckout_show_register=1 oncheckout_show_steps=0 oncheckout_show_register_text=COM_VIRTUEMART_ONCHECKOUT_DEFAULT_TEXT_REGISTER ##SEO seo_disabled=0 seo_translate=0 seo_use_id=0 ##SOAP soap_ws_cat_on=0 soap_ws_cat_cache_on=1 soap_auth_getcat=1 soap_auth_addcat=1 soap_auth_upcat=1 soap_auth_delcat=1 soap_auth_cat_otherget=1 soap_auth_cat_otheradd=1 soap_auth_cat_otherupdate=1 soap_auth_cat_otherdelete=1 soap_ws_user_on=0 soap_ws_user_cache_on=1 soap_auth_getuser=1 soap_auth_adduser=1 soap_auth_upuser=1 soap_auth_deluser=1 soap_auth_user_otherget=1 soap_auth_user_otheradd=1 soap_auth_user_otherupdate=1 soap_auth_user_otherdelete=1 soap_ws_prod_on=0 soap_ws_prod_cache_on=1 soap_auth_getprod=1 soap_auth_addprod=1 soap_auth_upprod=1 soap_auth_delprod=1 soap_auth_prod_otherget=1 soap_auth_prod_otheradd=1 soap_auth_prod_otherupdate=1 soap_auth_prod_otherdelete=1 soap_ws_order_on=0 soap_ws_order_cache_on=1 soap_auth_getorder=1 soap_auth_addorder=1 soap_auth_uporder=1 soap_auth_delorder=1 soap_auth_order_otherget=1 soap_auth_order_otheradd=1 soap_auth_order_otherupdate=1 soap_auth_order_otherdelete=1 soap_ws_sql_on=0 soap_ws_sql_cache_on=1 soap_auth_execsql=1 soap_auth_execsql_select=1 soap_auth_execsql_insert=1 soap_auth_execsql_update=1 soap_ws_custom_on=0 soap_ws_custom_cache_on=1 soap_EP_custom=VM_CustomizedService.php soap_wsdl_custom=VM_Customized.wsdl
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Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/public/sites/' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /public/sites/ on line 21

If you have something for me to get around this let me know.

greetings gjwebdesign
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Re: VMinvoice one joomla 2.5 and virtualmart 2.0 13 years ago #27861

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Currently VM Invoice cannot be installed on any Joomla except 1.5! And is compatible only with VM 1.1.x.
Moreover, even VirtueMart 2.0.0 alone can't be run on Joomla 2.5. VirtueMart pre-release version 2.0.1 runs on Joomla 2.5 (, you can download and test that version.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 13 years ago by pama.
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Re: VMinvoice one joomla 2.5 and virtualmart 2.0 13 years ago #27862

Okay. But I am running VM 2.0 on a 1.7 joomla version.
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