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Texts for caption fields i.e. {customer_note_cpt}
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TOPIC: Texts for caption fields i.e. {customer_note_cpt}

Texts for caption fields i.e. {customer_note_cpt} 9 years, 3 months ago #46776

Can anyone tell me where to find the texts to the caption fields in VM Invoice, e.g. {customer_note_cpt} and their translations. I wish to change some of them.

Thanks on beforehand. ...
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Re: Texts for caption fields i.e. {customer_note_cpt} 9 years, 3 months ago #46777

I have found the file de-DE.com_vminvoice.ini, but this is the language constants only. There must be a file where the cpt is linked to the language constants. For instance the build of {billing_address} which contains a language constant and customer order fields or {customer_note_cpt} which is probably a language constant only.

Again, thanks on beforehand...
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Re: Texts for caption fields i.e. {customer_note_cpt} 9 years, 3 months ago #46780

  • mitk

unfortunately this forum category doesn´t serve for question like this. Please, send us a Support ticket. It can be found in your Artio user account -> left panel -> Support.
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