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Data model documentation
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TOPIC: Data model documentation

Data model documentation 9 years, 3 months ago #46767

I am migrating a Joomla 1.5/VM 1 site to a Joomla 3.4/VM3 site. The previous site used CCInvoice to generate invoices. For the new site we have purchased VM Invoice.

Now I would like to migrate as much data as possible from the old site to the new one, including the invoices.
Therefor I would like to have an overview of the tables that are used by VM Invoice, and what their connection is to the VirtueMart tables.

Maybe there is even a migration script example available?

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Re: Data model documentation 9 years, 3 months ago #46787

  • mitk

this forum category doesn´t serve for question like this. Please, send us a Support ticket - it can be found in your Artio user account -> left panel -> Support.
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