Hello ARTIO Team: Thanks for your nice modul!
We used ARTIO VM Invoice before with Joomla 1,5 and VM 1.5 and now we like to change to Joomla 2.5.6 and VM 2.0.10.
Therefore today we bought ARTIO VM Invoice new version again.
But now we found out, that there is something wrong. The VAT is not correct displayed on the invoice, when you have used a coupon.
I attached the original VirtueMart Invoice (we did no Layout, but the displayed numbers are correct! (Net-Amount is missing, but this comes from Layout!))
and the Invoice, I created with your modul ARTIO VM Invoice (we did some Layout, but than we saw, that the amounts are wrong displayed)
There you will easily see the difference. I made some
red marks .
Important for invoices in Germany is:
1. The VAT of the Invoice Total Net Amount. ARTIO VM Invoice displays VAT from the not discounted Amount!
2. Net Amount. ARTIO VM Invoice displays VAT from the not discounted Amount!
However, I'm sure, this is a quite small, but very, very important fix, please help immediately!
Thank you very much.