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When Create new order - payment method missing
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TOPIC: When Create new order - payment method missing

When Create new order - payment method missing 10 years, 11 months ago #43467


I use vm invoice 2.0.31 on VM 2.0.26d on joomla 2.5.17

When I use "Create new order" the feature/choice of Payment doesn't correspond with my vm Payment Method List. In VM Invoice I get 3 options (Paypal standard, express and creditcard) which all has been part of my initial installation ... right now I have 2 payment options configured in VM a paypal and an invoicing option! See attached.

Please advice


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Re: When Create new order - payment method missing 10 years, 11 months ago #43485

after more investigation I just noticed that the two options that I have configured are there ... however they are "blank" in the selection (doesn't show any text) ???? Se attachment!

So my qestion is:

1. why do the old payment options (that I have deleted form the VM payment list) show up?
2. why is the new payment options that I have added to the standard VM payment list not show?

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Re: When Create new order - payment method missing 10 years, 11 months ago #43510

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Hello. There was and issue according to blank payment and shipment names in selects in case that some translation was missing. We have fix for it in next release. You can try to enter all translations of methods in VM. However deleted methods presence is weird. It is probably caused by bug in VM that didn't delete all payment records in #__virtuemart_paymentmethods table (What version of VM did you have when you deleted those methods?) . You can try to look into this table (if you can) to check if old records are still there.
ARTIO Support Team
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