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VM invoice needs update?
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TOPIC: VM invoice needs update?

VM invoice needs update? 11 years, 9 months ago #39462

Hello ARTIO.

I was just going through Nets/Teller signup requirements for invoices. I noticed that the invoice is required to specify status of the payment.

At the moment VM Invoice does not support this. This could be fixed secondhand by only sending invoice on confirmed, and then manually add "Payment: Confirmed" into the invoice as text. I would expect such large component to have such simple item feature. Hope you will implement it, since its a requirement from the largest creditcard handler in europe.Everything we add manually, will not be translated.

On another note, has anything been done to make this component usable for multi-lingual sites ? In this case im talking about automatic invoice language detection (Delivery country, geo IP or frontend language) and also.. what about all the Invoice emails/delivery note emails, will these be updated to have a seperate window per. language published ? I guess having only only one Email template for 5 languages is not considered true multi-lingual.

I stated some of these problems a long time ago, hope the fixes are in the making.

Looking forward to your replys.
Last Edit: 11 years, 9 months ago by jacob22.
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