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"Variable Symbol" text on Invoice
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TOPIC: "Variable Symbol" text on Invoice

"Variable Symbol" text on Invoice 13 years, 7 months ago #22533


I have just installed VM Invoice and it looks fine except that I want to show the order number on the Invoice. If I select the option to show Order Number as a Variable Symbol then the order number does appear but the text before it reads "Variable Symbol:". How can I get this text to read "Order Number:"?


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Re: "Variable Symbol" text on Invoice 13 years, 7 months ago #22541

  • jaku
you could achieve this by modyfing the text in the language contant file. (languages/com_vminvoice/...).
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Re: "Variable Symbol" text on Invoice 13 years, 7 months ago #22547

Many thanks. That fixed the problem. I found the text in the administrator's language folder (administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_vminvoice.ini)
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