Hello. File you must edit is administrator/components/com_vminvoice/helpers/invoicehelper.php
Around line 1291 place something like this:
$vatLine = $template[1];
$vatLine = InvoiceHelper::removeColumns($vatLine,$colsToDelete);
if ($leftOffset>0 && $labelColspan>0){ //make column wider straight to subtotal
$vatLine = InvoiceHelper::removeColumns($vatLine,range($leftOffset-1, $subtotalOffset -1));
$td = '<td align="left" colspan="'.$labelColspan.'">'.JText::_('Vat total').':</td>';
$vatLine = InvoiceHelper::addColumn($vatLine,$leftOffset-1, $td);
$totalTax = $this->subtotal_tax + $couponTaxAmount;
$vatLine = str_replace('{subtotal}',InvoiceCurrencyDisplay::getFullValue($totalTax, $this->currency),$vatLine);
$vatLine = preg_replace('#\{[\w ]+\}#Us','',$vatLine); //remove rest of tags
Then find line cca 1393 and after
$code.= VMI_NL.InvoiceHelper::setColumnWidths($totalLine,$colWidths);
$code.= VMI_NL.InvoiceHelper::setColumnWidths($vatLine,$colWidths);
Also turn off "Extended Total Line" in Invoce Items Configuration.
Note after each component update you will have to probably edit code again, because file is rewrited.
Another solution would be paid customization (1 hour), which will make this option permanent.