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Tax issues with 1.7
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TOPIC: Tax issues with 1.7

Tax issues with 1.7 13 years, 2 months ago #24778

First, I want to say that 1.7 is GREAT! You guys are doing a great job of improving this component. Thanks!

I have played with all the different sections and can not get this to work properly. The tax rate and tax column both show ) even though this customer is taxable. Also, the tax summary shows the tax on the shipping as required and nothing else. However, it does show the proper amount of tax but it is completely unclear how that number was derived. See the attached pdf file for better clarification.

Personally, being in the US, I would prefer if the invoice only had the quantity, the description, and the item price per line. Then at the bottom, it should show shipping and total tax. Similar to the way the standard VM Purchase Order works. I do not know php so don't know how to hack the file to get what I want. Any suggestions?
Last Edit: 13 years, 2 months ago by TurnTex.
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Re: Tax issues with 1.7 13 years, 2 months ago #24779

After a little further digging, I believe the blank tax columns is a virtuemart problem. I took a look at that same order in virtuemart and the VM purchase order shows no tax either but does have the correct amount reflected in the total price.

That said, I would still like to know the possibility of having the tax columns completely removed from the main body. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Tax issues with 1.7 13 years, 2 months ago #24817

  • jaku

you can set these under Configuration / Invoice Items Configuration.
You can choose there whether you want to show the tax in the item lines or not.
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Re: Tax issues with 1.7 13 years, 2 months ago #24818

Yes, I can choose to show them or not but when it is turned off, the column headers are still there, it just give me blanks in those columns.
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