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Please help VM invoice
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TOPIC: Please help VM invoice

Please help VM invoice 11 years ago #42931

We have bought VM invoice some times ago and still can not use it.

We need to have the prices without vat, but when we create a rule in Virtuemart with VatTax it doesn't calculate correctly the discounts and vat on the items we sell.

So we had to create a rule Taxbill, but in this way in VM invoice we find -100% vat amount because the vat is not calculated from the extension.

Could you please help us?

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Re: Please help VM invoice 10 years, 12 months ago #42992

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Hello. Can you describe step-by-step where is the problem or possibly attach an picture? We can check into that.

Also, do you have newest version of VirtueMart and VM Invoice? Thanks.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 10 years, 12 months ago by pama.
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Re: Please help VM invoice 10 years, 12 months ago #43003

Hi..never mind...thanks.

The real problem comes from Virtuemart, because it doesn't show the unit price without vat.

We had to change all site applying the VatTax instead a TaxBill and VM Invoice is working with this setting.

Could you please tell me where I can find the:

Total Net
Total Tax

you see in the attached invoice?

Attachment fattura_014-0008_it-IT.pdf not found

I can not find them in the file:en-GB.com_vminvoice.ini in order to copy them in the italian file.

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Re: Please help VM invoice 10 years, 12 months ago #43004

I attache the .jpg ...sorry
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Re: Please help VM invoice 10 years, 11 months ago #43036

I really can not understand how you can sell you component for invoices.

Also in the past we have seen that it calculates wrongs many amounts, but I thought it was because we didn't take much time to see all configs.
Now we have tried all configs possible and the component is useless.

It doesn't calculate the vat tax on shipping
It makes wrong calculations
If you insert a discount (like and override price) it calculate the Vat on discount and this amount will be added to the total!!! That's crazy!
You end to pay more vat then you should if you don't pay attention.

The component is a waste of time and money
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Re: Please help VM invoice 10 years, 11 months ago #43055

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Hello. You are right, our component contained many errors pertaining to prices saving. It was because since VM 2.0.22 there were lot of changes of database formats and we didn't reflect that.
We will release fixed version in next hours. Let us know if it fixed all your problems.

As for VAT for shipping, as far as I know it is working, but you must specify VAT tax in your VM shipping settings.
The "Total Net" and "Total Tax" are specified in front-end language file located in root/language/ as
(but you will probably have to edit it again after upgrade, maybe you can post us missing language strings)
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 10 years, 11 months ago by pama.
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