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Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart
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TOPIC: Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart

Re: Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart 13 years, 3 months ago #25028

OK, I have identified the problem. In VM Invoice, when creating a manual order, there are 2 different vendors listed, both with the same name as I only have one vendor set up which is myself. In Virtuemart, I only show one vendor. When I create a new order/invoice in VM Invoice, if I click on the vendor drop down, I see 2 instances of the same vendor name. If I choose the first one, it works fine and the order shows up in VM. If the second one is chosen, then it will not show up in VM. Taking a look at JOS_VM_Orders, the ones that don't show up use a vendor_ID of 2 while the ones that work show a vendor_ID of 1. Not sure where that other vendor instance is coming from.

Regardless, I still get the blank screen with a hang when I try to save the order. I had that problem with 1.6 and I believe you had me add some additional code that fixed this. I assumed this code was in the new version but will have to go check it out.

Any ideas where the second vendor is coming form and how to delete it so that it does not get accidentally selected in the future?
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Re: Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart 13 years, 3 months ago #25030

OK, I fixed the problem myself. For some reason, I had a second vendor in JOS_vm_vendor. I deleted the second one and it all works fine. I have no idea how the second vendor got int there. I also solved my issue with the blank screen on saving the order. I used this hotfix posted by Jan a month ago. I would have thought this code would have been included in the latest version. Maybe there is a good reason it is not or maybe they just forgot.

if (!class_exists('TCPDF')) {
require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . '/../tcpdf/tcpdf.php');
require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . '/../tcpdf/config/tcpdf_config.php');
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Re: Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart 13 years, 3 months ago #25031

And Jan, just so it does not feel like I am only bitching, the new version is a GREAT improvement! Thank you for listening to our requests and also for adding in the order status tag to the invoice template as I requested! You guys are doing a good job!
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Re: Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart 13 years, 3 months ago #25036

  • jaku

glad you identified the problem. You have saved yourself some money. :-)
As regards the patch, well, it does not seem to be a general problem - it probably occurs at your site where some other component must be also loading TCPDF library - another version of it and that leads then to a conflict.
Last Edit: 13 years, 3 months ago by .
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Re: Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart 13 years, 3 months ago #25037


I am not a coder so I may not understand things properly but since the above code is an if statement, wouldn't it be fine to put it in the code anyway? If I understand things properly, if someone does not have another instance of TCPFD running, then the if statement would not affect them but it would be a safeguard against user frustration for those who do have another instance of TCPDF. Am I understanding things right? Not telling you how to do things by ANY means but it might be a good idea to include it if my thinking is correct so that it minimizes the problems for some of us.
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Re: Manual invoices not showing up in Virtuemart 13 years, 3 months ago #25041

  • jaku
You are basically right. However, if there will exist 2 instances of TCPDF, it can cause some other problems. If there are different versions, then (e.g.) we may rely on certain version and its features, while those may not available in the other version.

With adding this condition in general, we might encouter other type of problems caused by different TCPDF version and making their real reason even more difficult to reveal.

So the question is to decide, what is less evil. As usually. ;-)
Last Edit: 13 years, 3 months ago by .
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