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Install update - errors & missing config
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TOPIC: Install update - errors & missing config

Install update - errors & missing config 14 years, 1 month ago #18447


I've just downloaded the latest version, and tried to install it. It failed, since the directories were in use by com_vminvoice.

I've done the update manually then, by copying the files via ftp.

Unfortunately all settings and fields are gone. And while I try to save the download id for future upgrades, I get the following:

TableConfig::store failed - Unknown column 'params' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE `jos_vminvoice_config` SET `params`='auto_manual=0\nauto_plugin=0\norder_status=P\npre_def_time_h=0\npre_def_time=40\nfont=arial\ncurrency_char=\ndate_pattern=Y-m-d\ncheckout_address=BT\ndelivery_note=0\nsend_both=0\ndelivery_address=ST\ncopy_admin=1\nadmin_email= Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript \nmail_subject=My Mail\nmail_message=mail to admin\ndownload_id=cb0ccf06273adb8e8bdaf1895660b6e1\nversion_checker=1\n\n' WHERE id='1'

I guess something went wrong... Could you let me know how to fix this?

Kind regards,

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Re:Install update - errors & missing config 14 years, 1 month ago #18451

  • jaku
Dear Nathalie,

well, there were also changes in the DB structure, which seem that were not applied, if you upgraded by copying the files over. (that is the reason for the error you are getting);
to get rid of it, you would neet to run SQL quesries to update the DB tables in the format compatible with the new version . (you can check in vminvoice.xml what the DB structure should be)

Anyway, I think that the easiest and fastest way to resolve this would be now to uninstall the component and do a fresh install from the new package. Just you will need to enter the configuration info again.

Since version 1.1.1 the online updates should be functional so next upgrades should be much less painfull.
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Re:Install update - errors & missing config 14 years, 1 month ago #18464

Hi Jan,

mm, I had performed the db updates as well. But, since config has been lost anyway, uninstalled and reinstalled. That works. But, when I want to upgrade to version 1.1.2 the following error is shown:

Entered Download ID appears to be invalid (incorrect length). Please, check it again. Your VM Invoice is not registered. You can not upgrade from ARTIO server.

I use the download id I received yesterday and used to download version 1.1.1.

Hope you can help,

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Re:Install update - errors & missing config 14 years, 1 month ago #18519

  • jaku
Dear Natalie,

yes, you are right. I am sorry, there was still a mistake in 1.1.1 as regards checking the Download ID length, therefore it is not possible to do online updade.

I recommend you use the Download ID at
to get the latest installation file and then on the "Update page", use the "Upgrade from file" function.

I hope that since 1.1.2 the automatic online updates will work fine.
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