I've just downloaded the latest version, and tried to install it. It failed, since the directories were in use by com_vminvoice.
I've done the update manually then, by copying the files via ftp.
Unfortunately all settings and fields are gone. And while I try to save the download id for future upgrades, I get the following:
TableConfig::store failed - Unknown column 'params' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE `jos_vminvoice_config` SET `params`='auto_manual=0\nauto_plugin=0\norder_status=P\npre_def_time_h=0\npre_def_time=40\nfont=arial\ncurrency_char=\ndate_pattern=Y-m-d\ncheckout_address=BT\ndelivery_note=0\nsend_both=0\ndelivery_address=ST\ncopy_admin=1\nadmin_email=
Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript
\nmail_subject=My Mail\nmail_message=mail to admin\ndownload_id=cb0ccf06273adb8e8bdaf1895660b6e1\nversion_checker=1\n\n' WHERE id='1'
I guess something went wrong... Could you let me know how to fix this?
Kind regards,