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Fields for amount and product details
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TOPIC: Fields for amount and product details

Fields for amount and product details 13 years, 1 month ago #25478


were can I set the wide of the Amount and Article details for PDF in invoice and delivery note?


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Re: Fields for amount and product details 13 years, 1 month ago #25487

  • djrgr
  • Posts: 65
In the invoice edit tab.

Configuration > invoice template.

and i guess that the following code
<br />{items}<br /><br />{extra_fields}              
<table style=" border=0px" border="�">
should be edited.

You can also change the size of the font thats used..
This solves the problem too..

configuration > tab page appearance, change the option Font Size
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Re: Fields for amount and product details 13 years, 1 month ago #25491


Sorry, I'm not a coder :( ...
I also tried to insert a text in the footer... but this distroyed whole Layout!?

Can you please help? I need the following text on last pages :

„Der angegebene Preis ist ein Endpreis zzgl. Versandkosten. Gemäß § 19 UStG erheben wir keine Umsatzsteuer und weisen diese folglich auch nicht aus (Kleinunternehmerstatus)“.


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Re: Fields for amount and product details 13 years, 1 month ago #25495

  • djrgr
  • Posts: 65
Hi, try to go to configuration> Invoice template...

if i am correct, you should see three edit fields, go to the last one named footer.

And if i am correct again you should be able to see a switch, that allows you to switch between editing in code and editing with the editor.

Switch to editing with code and copy the following code and paste it over there.

{customer_note} <br />{end_note}
<div style="text-align:center">{pagination}</div>
<div style="text-align:center"> „Der angegebene Preis ist ein Endpreis zzgl. Versandkosten. Gemäß § 19 UStG erheben wir keine Umsatzsteuer und weisen diese folglich auch nicht aus (Kleinunternehmerstatus).
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<div style="text-align:center">{signature}</div>
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Re: Fields for amount and product details 13 years, 1 month ago #25498

There must be anything wrong at saving!!!!

Template will be destroyed! Please help and see what's happened!


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Re: Fields for amount and product details 13 years, 1 month ago #25504

  • djrgr
  • Posts: 65
Then try to go to joomlas menu, components.plugins

Search for tiny mce and disable it, of you try to update the code, will it then work?

Can you also say what do you mean with the template being destroyed?
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