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CSS to generate invoice and Shipment question
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TOPIC: CSS to generate invoice and Shipment question

CSS to generate invoice and Shipment question 10 years, 10 months ago #44075


To small questions

1) I would like to add some css divs in the creation of the invoice in PDF (div class=...). In which css file I am supposed to add those classes ? I cannot find it.

2) There is still some shipment that don't exist anymore when I create a new order ? How can I eliminate thoses unnecessary shipments ?

Thanks so much and best regards
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Re: CSS to generate invoice and Shipment question 10 years, 10 months ago #44096

  • pama
  • Posts: 489

1) Unfortunately, TCPDF (PDF library we use now) does not support external stylesheet or even <style> tags. You have to put all CSS inline. So you have to add <div style=" .... "></div> into your template.

2) Strange. I remember one user had this problem in past also. It can happen if you add new language variants to your shop. VM is not so consistent when deleting old records and their language translations. You have to go to your database admin, find table {prefix}_virtuemart_shipmentmethods and delete those records. A assume you talked about deleted records, not unpublished (we display also unpublished).
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 10 years, 10 months ago by pama.
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