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change text bill nummer (Rechnung xxx)
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TOPIC: change text bill nummer (Rechnung xxx)

change text bill nummer (Rechnung xxx) 13 years, 5 months ago #24237


i want to change the text "bill number". I use germen so the text is "RECHNUNG xxx". I want to change it to "Rechnung und Lieferschein xxx" How can i do that ... unfortunately i don't fount the Text"Rechnung" in any file so i have no Idea were the Text come from...

Can u help me please.

Many Thanks Jewanda


Now i found a solution but is not really good ...
i change in administrator/components/com_vminvoice/helpers/invoicehtml.php

$text = JText::_((! $this->deliveryNote) ? 'INVOICE' : 'DELIVERY NOTE');
$text = JText::_('INVOICE_TEXT');

than i add "INVOICE_TEXT=Rechung und Lieferschein" in the file administrator/language/de-DE/de-DE.com_vminvoice.ini

i don't need the delivery note so it works but if u have a better solution ... it would be great
Last Edit: 13 years, 5 months ago by Verlag Gabriels Stunde. Reason: add a solution
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Re: change text bill nummer (Rechnung xxx) 13 years, 5 months ago #24260

  • jaku

well the only other option would be to redefine INVOICE language constant to "Rechung und Lieferschein".
The only way to change this is to work with the language translations for the component as you did: either change the existing or update the code and define a new one.

Just be careful with updates! Automatic update may (and most likely will) rewrite your customizaton, so you will need to update this after each change. Therefore it might be more effective to edit the INVOICE constant only withou modyfing the code in invoicehtml.php.
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