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Blank window after send invoice attempt
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TOPIC: Blank window after send invoice attempt

Blank window after send invoice attempt 13 years ago #25836

After checking an order and selecting 'send e-mailinvoices and deliverynotes' in ordermanagement of VMI I click on the process button. After a few seconds the window turns white, the page seems to load but after a little while this stops and nothing else happens.

What wrong? Please help.
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Re: Blank window after send invoice attempt 13 years ago #25850

  • jaku
try to check the server error log and post the message here. Or if you do not have access to server error logs then try to turn Error reporting in Joomla to Maximum level.

It may be for example script timeout problem. Error log message should help to reveal the reason.
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Re: Blank window after send invoice attempt 13 years ago #25912

Hello Jaku, thanks for your reaction.

I set the Error reporting for Joomla to max. Tried again and I get this error message: " Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting! in /home/sites/site32962/web/1001fotolijsten/administrator/components/com_vminvoice/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 26007 "
+ a list called "Call stack".

Do you know where the problem lies?
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Re: Blank window after send invoice attempt 13 years ago #25913

  • jaku

seems like some infinite loop problem inside TCPDF. (which is responsible for the PDF generation).

Did you do any changes to the default invoice/delivery note template?

If so, then I would think maybe the HTML code of your template has some error in it. Make sure it is a valid XHTML code. If yes, but the problem still persists, try simplifying it.
Last Edit: 13 years ago by .
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Re: Blank window after send invoice attempt 13 years ago #25917

Now in Debug mode I have this message:
Notice: Undefined variable: filehash in /home/sites/site32962/web/1001fotolijsten/administrator/components/com_vminvoice/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 7688

I didn't change anything to the template by the way.

I located the tcpdf.php-file and checked what is on line 7688. It says something about a .png-file. My logo is a png-file. I changed the logo into a .jpg file and it works!

So the problem is solved for me however the problem still exists in the tcpdf.php file.... Maybe you should look into that Jaku.
Thanks anyway for the quick responce an help!
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Re: Blank window after send invoice attempt 13 years ago #25937

  • jaku
well TCPDF is an external library that we do not want to modify. Maybe next version will have fix for that.
Anyway, certain special image types can cause problems with TCDPF. That is a known problem. also described in VM Invoice FAQs.

Anyway, I am glad you managed to solve it.
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