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Wrong modules at new SEF URL's
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TOPIC: Wrong modules at new SEF URL's

Wrong modules at new SEF URL's 11 years, 8 months ago #40038

Hi Dajo,

I experience some problems, when I add new articles to the menu. There a wrong menu articles. Like here:

The 4 boxes above should be only on homepage! And the bottom Boxes only on 1 other page. But they will appear. If I take a look to the module manager, there are no modules allocated for the new page above. Where is the problem? (I use advanced module manager - just to mention it).

Here the Trace:
#1: call_user_func_array(Array, Array), /libraries/joomla/application/router.php line 425
#2: JRouter->_processBuildRules(JURI), /includes/router.php line 440
#3: JRouterSite->_processBuildRules(JURI), /libraries/joomla/application/router.php line 194
#4: JRouter->build('index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=167:hotel-diamant-porec-kroatien&catid=62:hotelbewertungen&Itemid=259'), /includes/router.php line 82
#5: JRouterSite->build('index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=167:hotel-diamant-porec-kroatien&catid=62:hotelbewertungen&Itemid=259'), /libraries/joomla/methods.php line 51
#6: JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=167:hotel-diamant-porec-kroatien&catid=62:hotelbewertungen&Itemid=259'), /modules/mod_highlighter_gk4/helper.php line 127
#7: NH_GK4_Helper->renderLayout(), /modules/mod_highlighter_gk4/mod_highlighter_gk4.php line 22
#8: include('/homepages/14/d377825212/htdocs/wellnessinfo/modules/mod_highlighter_gk4/mod_highlighter_gk4.php'), /plugins/system/advancedmodules/modulehelper.php line 195
#9: JModuleHelper::renderModule(stdClass, Array), /libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/module.php line 107
#10: JDocumentRendererModule->render(stdClass, Array), /templates/yoo_streamline/warp/systems/joomla/helpers/modules.php line 86
#11: ModulesWarpHelper->load('bottom-a'), /templates/yoo_streamline/warp/systems/joomla/layouts/modules.php line 10
#12: include('/homepages/14/d377825212/htdocs/wellnessinfo/templates/yoo_streamline/warp/systems/joomla/layouts/modules.php'), /templates/yoo_streamline/warp/helpers/template.php line 49
#13: TemplateWarpHelper->render('modules', Array), /templates/yoo_streamline/warp/systems/joomla/helpers/modules.php line 64
#14: ModulesWarpHelper->render('bottom-a', Array), /templates/yoo_streamline/layouts/template.php line 134
#15: include('/homepages/14/d377825212/htdocs/wellnessinfo/templates/yoo_streamline/layouts/template.php'), /templates/yoo_streamline/warp/helpers/template.php line 49
#16: TemplateWarpHelper->render('template'), /templates/yoo_streamline/index.php line 19
#17: require('/homepages/14/d377825212/htdocs/wellnessinfo/templates/yoo_streamline/index.php'), /libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php line 531
#18: JDocumentHTML->_loadTemplate('/homepages/14/d377825212/htdocs/wellnessinfo/templates/yoo_streamline', 'index.php'), /libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php line 591
#19: JDocumentHTML->_fetchTemplate(Array), /libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php line 414
#20: JDocumentHTML->parse(Array), /includes/application.php line 259

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Re: Wrong modules at new SEF URL's 11 years, 8 months ago #40097

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Wrong modules are displayed when the generated SEF URL contains wrong Itemid value. This may happen for various reasons but usually it's caused by some component not selecting the correct Itemid for the links.
If this happens only for a few of your URLs, the simplest solution is to check them in JoomSEF's URLs Manager and manually fix their Itemid values to correspond to correct menu item ID.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Wrong modules at new SEF URL's 11 years, 8 months ago #40098


Indeed - I changed the ItemID - and the modules are not there anymore.
But: The old sef URL has "&showarticle" included; so on the beginning of the article (Test server) the word "Beiträge" (article in German) is shown.

How I can bring them away?

In case this problem is showing for every new article since few weeks - do you have an idea, which component could be responsible for this problem?

Thx & best regards
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Re: Wrong modules at new SEF URL's 11 years, 8 months ago #40117

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

I'm sorry, I haven't seen the problem with "&showarticle" before. I guess that some content plugin is adding it. You could try disabling plugins in Joomla one by one to see if one of them is causing it.
ARTIO Support Team
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